Saturday 21 October 2017

Wheatley Option Trading Programme

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Im Klassenzimmer für neun Jahre, lehrt sie Advanced Placement Environmental Science und Regents Living Environment in Sayville High School. Ein starker Anwalt für auf Anfrage basierte Hands-on Lernen, sie beinhaltet ihre Schüler mit einer Vielzahl von Community Service, Problemlösung und Technologie infundiert Aktivitäten. Frau Andersonrsquos berufliche Interessen konzentrieren sich auf kooperatives Lernen und Integration von Technologie in das tägliche Lernen. Ihr aktuelles Projekt beinhaltet ein Pilotprogramm, um persönliche Tabletten in das Klassenzimmer zu integrieren. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung dient sie als Co-Beraterin für den SWEEP Club (Students Working Enhanced Environmental Protection) Club und ist der Direktor für Large for Environmental Educators für die Science Teachers Association of NYS. Sie wurde vor kurzem mit dem Bright Lights Award von Suffolk ASSET (Vereinigung der Suffolk County Supervisors for Educational Technology) für ihre Beiträge zur Verbesserung der Technologie im Klassenzimmer geehrt. Ein lebenslanger kollaborativer Lerner, Frau Anderson ist inspiriert von den Worten von Albert Einstein: ldquoAny Narr kann wissen. Der Punkt ist zu verstehen. rdquo Charles Bewick Sewanhaka Schulbezirk - Bio kommt bald - Claire Birone Babylon Union Frei Schulbezirk Claire Birone verdiente ihr BS in der Biologie vom Siena College und ihrem Master of Arts in der Lehre Biologie von der Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum seit acht Jahren gründete Frau Birone und koordiniert nun das Wissenschaftsforschungsprogramm an der Babylon High School. Sie ist ein starker Befürworter, ihren Schülern die Möglichkeit zu geben, an einer authentischen wissenschaftlichen Forschung teilzunehmen, um die Anwendung von Content-Kenntnissen auf allgemeine Lebenserfahrungen zu erleichtern und so zu zeigen, wie die Wissenschaft weit über die Klassenzimmer hinausgeht. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung arbeiten Frau Birone und ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler zusammen mit Fachleuten und anderen örtlichen Schulen zusammen, um im Brookhaven National Laboratory im Bereich der Strukturbiologie forschen zu können. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung wurden in einer wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift veröffentlicht. Frau Bironersquos Blick auf Bildung ist am besten in den Worten von Albert Einstein erklärt, ldquoBildung ist nicht das Lernen von Fakten, sondern die Ausbildung des Geistes zu denken. rdquo Innerhalb der NYS Master Lehrer-Programm, ist sie am meisten freuen sich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit wie Um ihre Inhalte zu vertiefen und ihre pädagogischen Praktiken zu erweitern. Sie beabsichtigt, die High School Research Lehrer und Biologie Lehrer Professional Learning Teams beitreten. Ashley Bloch Islip Schulbezirk Ashley Bloch verdiente ihr BS in der allgemeinen Biologie von SUNY Stony Brook, MS in der Wissenschaftsausbildung vom Dowling College und unterrichtet 8. Klasse beschleunigte Erdwissenschaft und 8. Klasse allgemeine Wissenschaft an der Islip Sekundarschule. Ein Lehrer für 11 Jahre, Frau Bloch ist ein starker Befürworter für die Erziehung des ganzen Kindes und bemüht sich, ein Interesse an der Wissenschaft durch praktische Labore und reale Weltcurriculumverbindungen zu wecken. Die professionelle Zusammenarbeit, sie dient als Fachbereichsbeauftragte in der Mittelstufe Wissenschaft und Vizepräsident der Programme für die Suffolk County Sektion der Science Teachers Association of NYS. Frau Bloch ist in verschiedenen Bildungsprogrammen im Brookhaven National Laboratory tätig. Sie wurde mit der Science Teacherrsquos Association von New York Statersquos Intermediate Level Science Lehrer des Jahres für Suffolk County geehrt. Innerhalb des NYS Master Teacher Programms nimmt Frau Bloch am Earth Science Professional Learning Team teil. Frau Bloch sagt, dass ihre SchülerInnen Fragen dazu motivieren, mehr zu lernen, und sie ist inspiriert von den Worten des theoretischen Physikers Michio Kaku: ldquoHumans sind natürlich geborene Wissenschaftler. Wenn wersquore geboren, wollen wir wissen, warum die Sterne leuchten. Wir wollen wissen, warum die Sonne aufsteigt. rdquo Mary Alexis Blondrage Sewanhaka Schulbezirk Mary Alexis Blondrage verdiente ihre BS und MS in Environmental Science and Engineering von Rochester Institute of Technology und Master of Arts in Lehre in Biologie von Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum sechs Jahre betreibt Frau Blondrage das Wissenschaftsforschungsprogramm und lehrt Lebenswelt an der Wheatley School. Sie ist ein starker Unterstützer des interdisziplinären Lernens und befürwortet für die Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger Bildung für alle Schüler. Sie unterstützt ihre SchülerInnen für individuelle Lernstile, um das Engagement und die Beherrschung der Inhalte zu verbessern. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung ist Frau Blondrage ein Bezirks-Turnkey-Trainer für die Common Core Learning Standards und befindet sich im Kuratorium für die NYS Science and Engineering Fair, ein staatliches Wissenschaftsprojektwettbewerb für 6. bis 12. Klasse . Frau Blondrage ist inspiriert von den Worten des afroamerikanischen zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts Autor, Zora Neale Hurston: ldquoForschung ist formalisiert Neugier. Es ist Stoßen und Prying mit einem purpose. rdquo Innerhalb des NYS Master Teacher Program ist sie Mitglied des Research Teacher Professional Learning Team, das sich einer Überprüfung von Forschungsprogramminitiativen in verschiedenen Schulen widmet. Elisa Bogen Smithtown Schulbezirk - Biomarke bald - Robert Bolen Eastport-South Manor Zentrale Schulbezirk - Bio kommt bald - Maria Brown Sayville Schulbezirk Maria Brown verdiente ihren MS in der Umweltwissenschaft von der Long Island University (LIU), BA in Biologie und BS In der Geologie von der Stadt Universität von New York am Queens College. Sie ist ein Certified Professional Wetland Scientist und ein Kandidat für die Advanced Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Science von Stony Brook University, wo sie ist ein Permanent Dozent in der Sustainability Studies Department. Bevor er Lehrer wurde, arbeitete Frau Brown als Senior Environmental Scientist im privaten Sektor. Im Klassenzimmer 16 Jahre lehrt Frau Brown die Forschung in der Wissenschaft amp Engineering (RISE) Tiers 1-4 und RISE Tech an der Sayville High School. Sie hat auch entworfen und implementiert Advanced Placement Environmental und Inclusion Earth Science Kurse in der High School. Mrs. Brown genießt innovative, praktische Erlebnispädagogik, in der die Studierenden mit Aktivitäten beschäftigt sind, um Lösungen für ein sinnvolles Problem zu finden. Ihre Klassen engagieren Studenten in modernster Technik einschließlich der Verwendung von Umwelt-Sonden, Software-Anwendungen, Robotik oder Codierung. Mrs. Brown ist in verschiedenen Berufsorganisationen tätig und ist der Vizepräsident für die Küstenforschungspraxis Education Society of Long Island. Sie erhielt zahlreiche Lehre Auszeichnungen und wurde als der 2013 Long Islandrsquos High School Lehrer des Jahres von LIU anerkannt. Stephanie Burns Connetquot Central School District in Clinton, NY, Stephanie Burns verdient ihr BS in Meteorologie vom SUNY College bei Oneonta. Sie arbeitete als On-Air-Meteorologe für WKTV, eine NBC-Affiliate in Utica, bevor sie nach Long Island und verdiente ihren Master of Arts Lehre Earth Science Grad von Stony Brook University. Mrs. Burns unterrichtet Erdwissenschaften und Astronomie an der Connetquot High School in Böhmen. Ein Erzieher mit neunjähriger Erfahrung, Frau Burns ist ein starker Befürworter des praktischen, abgerundeten Lernens und genießt die Liebe zur Geowissenheit und Weltraumwissenschaft in ihren Gymnasiasten. Bei Connetquot HS schuf sie die Wahlfächer in Astronomie amp Environmental Science and Preservation. Zu den jüngsten Projekten gehören ihre SchülerInnenforschung in terrestrischen Krater in Zusammenarbeit mit der NASA und den Astronauten an Bord der Internationalen Raumstation. Mrs. Burns ist ein Nationaler Wetterdienst SKYWARN Spotter und Mitglied der Science Teachers Association von NYS. Mrs. Burns schreibt ihre Teilnahme an der NYS Master Teacher Annual Professional Development Conference für das neue ldquoresearch symposiumrdquo Projekt in ihren Klassen. Das Projekt wurde sehr erfolgreich unterstützt Studentenrsquo Lesen von sehr hochrangigen Forschung, um mehr über Themen, die sie interessiert zu lernen. Susan Campbell Brentwood Union Freie Schulbezirk - Bio kommt bald - Richard Gearns Sachem Schulbezirk Richard Gearns verdiente seinen MS in der Physik-Ausbildung vom Buffalo State College und ist Doktorand in Science Education bei Stony Brook und erforscht sozioökonomische Ungleichheit und seine Auswirkungen auf die Wissenschaft Bildung in weiterführenden Schulen. Im Klassenzimmer 10 Jahre unterrichtet Herr Gearns Regents und Advanced Placement Physics an der Sachem High School East in Farmingville. Herr Gearns ist spezialisiert auf Demonstrationen aus preiswerten Materialien, und sein Klassenzimmer wird liebevoll ldquothe junkyardrdquo von seinen Kollegen genannt. Herr Gearns bemüht sich, ldquoAhardquo Lernmomente mit seinen Schülern zu schaffen, indem er studentisch zentrierte Untersuchungserfahrungen erleichtert. Er ist der Gründer und Organisator der ldquoTeslamania Teachersrsquo Konferenz, rdquo wo Klassenzimmer Lehrer präsentieren, mit Flair und Showmanship, ihre besten physikalischen Wissenschaft Demonstrationen für andere Lehrer auf dem Gebiet. Als Mitglied des Board of Directors für das gemeinnützige Tesla Museum und Science Center in Wardenclyffe will Herr Gearns das letzte ständige Laborgebäude von Nikola Tesla bewahren, indem es sich um ein Gedächtniszentrum mit Museums-, Archiv - und Forschungseinrichtungen handelt. Gloria Gill-Klesaris Port Washington Schulbezirk Gloria Gill-Klesaris verdiente ihre BA in Erd - und Weltraumwissenschaften mit einem Minderjährigen in Umweltstudien und ihren Masters of Art in der Lehre der Erdwissenschaften von der Stony Brook University (SBU). Im Klassenraum für vier Jahre lehrt Frau Gill-Klesaris die Erdwissenschaften an der Weber Mittelschule in Port Washington. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung berät sie den Jahrbuch-Club, gehört zum humanitären Komitee des Schulrates und dient als College-Pionier-Mentor und unterstützt Studenten, die als erste in ihrer Familie an der Hochschule teilnehmen. Frau Gill-Klesaris hat an verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten der Erdwissenschaften mit Fakultät an der SBU teilgenommen und ist in Berufsverbänden einschließlich der Pine Barrens Society, der NYS Education Department und der Science Teachers Association of NYS tätig. Sie hat ihre Forschung, ldquoDocumenting Carolina Bucht-Formationen auf Long Island, rdquo an der Geologie von Long Island und Metropolitan NY Jahreskonferenz im Jahr 2012 vorgestellt und als Poster-Moderatorin am Pine Barrens Research Forum im Jahr 2013 ausgewählt. Als NYS Master Teacher, Frau Gill-Klesaris strebt an, ihre Inhalte und pädagogischen Kenntnisse über die STEM-Disziplinen zu vertiefen und zu erweitern und sich als professioneller Pädagogin und Führer zu übertreffen. Jason Gutlaizer Sewanhaka Schulbezirk Jason Gutlaizer erhielt eine BS in Chemie Ausbildung von Boston University, ein MA in Gifted Education von Teachers College, und lehrt 10. Klasse Advanced Chemistry und Advanced Placement Chemie an H. Frank Carey High School in Franklin Square. Ein starker Befürworter für hohe akademische Erwartungen und forschungsorientiertes Lernen für alle Studenten, Herr Gutlaizer beinhaltet seine Schüler in anspruchsvolle Probleme, in denen sie aufgerufen werden, um eine Lösung zu finden. Seine beruflichen Interessen konzentrieren sich auf die wissenschaftliche Kompetenz und machen die Chemie zu einem wirklichen, greifbaren Thema. Zusätzlich zu seinen Lehrverantwortlichen dient er als Co-Berater für die Klasse von 2016. Vergangene Auszeichnungen sind der Mitarbeiter des Monats aus dem Carey Dadsrsquo Club und der H. Frank Carey Award der Eltern-Lehrer-Studentenvereinigung, beide in Anerkennung Von seinen Beiträgen zu H. Frank Carey High School Gemeinschaft und seinem Engagement für die Studentenschaft. Herr Gutlaizer wurde von den Diskussionen mit seinen Kollegen Meisterlehrern in der Long Island Kohorte inspiriert und bemerkte eine erneuerte kreative Energie in sich selbst, indem er Teil eines Netzwerks für den Austausch von Lehrmitteln wurde. Das Mole Day Project war eine Ressource, die seine Schüler genossen Joseph Hanley Catherine Hantz Mount Sinai Schulbezirk Catherine Hantz verdiente ihre BS in Geographie von Cortland State University, MS in Geowissenschaften von Stony Brook University, und ist derzeit ein Doktorand in Science Education at Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum 16 Jahre unterrichtet Frau Hantz die Erdwissenschaften am Berg. Sinai High School. Sie begann nach einer 10-jährigen Karriere als Umweltfachmann in der Privatwirtschaft zu unterrichten. Ihre Unterrichtsphilosophie unterstreicht interdisziplinäre und forschungsorientierte Lernmöglichkeiten, in denen die Studierenden technisch-infundierte, problemlösende Aktivitäten betreiben können, die die wissenschaftliche Kompetenz pflegen. Frau Hantzrsquos berufliche Interessen konzentrieren sich auf die Entwicklung der Wissenschaft Alphabetisierung, um besser vorbereiten Studenten für eine STEM College oder Karriere Weg. Um dies zu erreichen, entwickelte sie ein Neuling-Übergangsteam, um die notwendigen Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten zu erfüllen, die von einem eingehenden Neuling benötigt werden, um eine erfolgreiche und aussagekräftige High-School-Erfahrung zu gewährleisten. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung wurde Frau Hantz ausgewählt, um an einem National Science Foundation Stipendium teilzunehmen, um Studenten die Möglichkeit für unabhängige wissenschaftliche Forschung zu bieten und eine Reihe von Erden - und Umweltwissenschaftslabor-Übungen zu schaffen. Diese Laborübungen nutzen Geo-Technologien und Erfahrungs-Multimedia, um die Studenten in die Antarktis im Rahmen der bestehenden Curricula einzuführen. ZwnjKristin Holmes Commack Union Freie Schulbezirk Kristin Holmes verdiente ihr BA in Mathematik und Informatik vom Vassar College und MA in Ausbildung von der Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum neun Jahre lehrt Frau Holmes Precalculus und Einführungs-, Fortgeschrittene Platzierung und International Baccalaureate Informatik an der Commack High School. Sie ist ein starker Befürworter für pädagogische Gerechtigkeit und ein Befürworter der Entwicklung von Studentenrsquo Verständnis durch ihre Anwendung von Konzepten und Fähigkeiten zu realen Situationen. Mrs. Holmes engagiert ihre Schüler im aktiven Lernen durch Peer Mentoring, problembased Lernen und Lerngruppen. Ihre beruflichen Interessen konzentrieren sich auf die Integration von Technologie im Klassenzimmer, professionelle Lernteams für Lehrer und erweitern die Teilnahme an übergeordneten STEM-Kursen zu unterrepräsentierten Schülerpopulationen. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung ist Frau Holmes Mitglied des Nationalen Rates der Lehrer der Mathematik, der Vereinigung der Mathematiklehrer von NYS, der Suffolk County Mathematics Teachers Association und der Informatik Lehrer Association. Vor seinem Eintritt in das NYS Master Teacher Programm war Frau Holmes ein künstlicher Intelligenz - und Roboterforscher und ein Entwickler von Echtzeit-Handelssystemen für Devisenmärkte. Bryan Horan Northport-East Northport Schulbezirk Bryan Horan verdiente seine BA in Biologie und MS in Liberal Studies von Stony Brook University (SBU) und hat permanente Zertifizierungen in Biologie und Chemie. Vor dem Unterricht arbeitete Herr Horan als Wissenschaftler am Brookhaven National Laboratory, der Untersuchungen in der Neuropharmakologie durchführte. Im Klassenraum seit 17 Jahren ist Herr Horan der wissenschaftliche Forschungsprogrammkoordinator an der Northport High School und dient als Co-Berater des Science Olympiad Teams. Herr Horan hat vor kurzem auch als Science Research Program Director und Philanthropy Center Director bei A Midwinter Nights Dream, Inc. eine Northport High School Student-run Non-Profit-Organisation, die über 3 Millionen für amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) Patienten und Forschung angehoben hat . Zusätzlich zu seiner Schulaufgabe ist Herr Horan Co-Direktor der Long Island Science amp Engineering Messe Broadcom MASTERS Middle School Science Fair und ein Lehrer bei SBU, wo er Co-lehrt Chemische Demonstrationen und Wissenschaftspädagogik und Methoden I. Herr Horan findet Inspiration in den Worten des Science-Fiction-Autors Isaac Asimov, Es gibt ein einziges Licht der Wissenschaft, und es zu erhellen ist überall, um es überall zu erhellen. Als ein NYS-Meisterlehrer freut sich Herr Horan darauf, sinnvolle berufliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu schaffen, um mit K-12 Lehrern zu teilen. Anne Ippolito William Floyd Schulbezirk Anne Ippolito verdiente ihre BA in Environmental Earth Sciences von der Boston University und ihrem Master of Arts bei der Lehre der Erdwissenschaften von der Stony Brook University. Frau Ippolito studierte Mündungsumgebungen, Strandentwicklung und Gletschergeologie bei der Fertigstellung der Feldarbeit an Standorten wie Crane Beach und Martharsquos Vineyard in Massachusetts und dem Hartford-Becken in Connecticut. Im Klassenraum für sechs Jahre unterrichtet Frau Ippolito die Erdwissenschaft, Fortgeschrittene Platzierung Umweltwissenschaft und Astronomie an der William Floyd High School. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung koordiniert sie das High Schoolrsquos jährliche Gown Gayaw Event. Bisherige berufliche Projekte beinhalten die Arbeit mit der Central Pine Barrens Commission, dem Brookhaven National Laboratory, dem NYS Department of Environmental Conservation und dem Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, erleichtert die Studentenrsquo Analyse der lokalen Wasserhalle durch den ldquoA Tag im Leben des Carmines River. rdquo Ms Ippolito genießt das Wandern, Vogelbeobachtung und Tennis spielen, und als Erzieher, ist inspiriert von den Worten des Astronomen, Carl Sagan: Wissenschaft ist mehr als ein Körper des Wissens. Es ist eine Art zu denken. Als NYS-Meisterlehrer freut sich Frau Ippolito auf die beruflichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, um ihre Inhalte und pädagogischen Kenntnisse zu vertiefen und zu erweitern und neue Bildungspartnerschaften zu etablieren. Daniel Jantzen Bellmore-Merrick Central High School Bezirk - Bio kommt bald - Michael Jantzen Drei Dorf Schulbezirk Michael Jantzen verdiente seine BA in Biologie mit einem Minderjährigen in der Geologie von Binghamton University und Master of Arts in Lehre in Biologie an der Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum 11 Jahre, lehrt Herr Jantzen Earth Science und Living Environment bei Robert Cushman Murphy Junior High School. Ein starker Befürworter für ein herausforderndes studentisch orientiertes Klassenzimmer, er engagiert sich konsequent mit seinen jungen Wissenschaftlern in entdeckungsorientierten Unterrichtsstunden. Herr Jantzenrsquos Studenten lernen, wie man eine Untersuchung durch das Sammeln von Beweisen aus einer Vielzahl von Quellen, die Entwicklung einer Erklärung aus den Daten und die Verteidigung ihrer Schlussfolgerungen zu führen. Seine beruflichen Interessen konzentrieren sich auf das Studium von Nah-Erde-Objekten, und er ist ein Mitwirkender der B612-Stiftung, einer privaten Stiftung, die dem Schutz der Erde vor Asteroidenschlägen gewidmet ist. Neben seiner Lehrverantwortung ist er Mitglied der Science Teachers Association von NYS und ist der Cheftrainer des R. C. Murphy Junior High School Fußballmannschaft. Innerhalb des NYS Master Teacher Program ist Herr Jantzen Mitglied des Flipping the Classroom Professional Learning Teams und nahm an der Messung des globalen Klimawandels und der Sicherheit von gentechnisch veränderten Food Mini-Kursen teil. Janet Kaczmarek Sayville Schulbezirk Janet Kaczmarek verdiente ihr BS in Geologie, MS in Geowissenschaften von der Stony Brook University (SBU) und ist in der Erdwissenschaft und Chemie zertifiziert. Während ihres Diplomstudiums arbeitete Frau Kaczmarek als Strahlbündel-Benutzer bei der Nationalen Synchrotron-Lichtquelle im Brookhaven National Lab. Frau Kaczmarek ist seit 2000 wissenschaftliche Lehrerin an der Sayville High School. Außerhalb des Klassenzimmers ist Frau Kaczmarek eine Science Research Mentor für Gymnasiasten, die in SBU-Grundlagen der Geologie und Geographischen Informationssysteme eingeschrieben sind. Mapping I, ein Kurs, den sie Team lehrt Mit einem anderen NYS Meisterlehrer. Frau Kaczmarek ist ein aktives Mitglied der Science Teachers Association of NYS und plant, auf der Jahrestagung in Rochester zu präsentieren. Frau Kaczmarek verbringt Zeitbootfahren in der Great South Bay, hat sich freiwillig dazu entschlossen, eine Austernpopulation in der Bellport Bay wieder aufzubauen und spielt die Flöte für Sonntagsdienst, Hochzeiten und Feiertagsmusicals. Als ein NYS Meisterlehrer, hat Frau Kaczmarek genossen und gelernt von der Mini-Kurs ldquoPhysics in den Geowissenschaften, rdquo und glaubt, dass professionelle Lernteams (PLT), wie die Anfrage Labs PLT, von denen sie ein Mitglied ist, am vorteilhaftesten sind Weil sie professionell und sozial engagieren. Elizabeth Kamerer Port Washington Schulbezirk Elizabeth Kamerer verdiente ihr BA in Mathematik von der Adelphi Universität und MS in Computer in der Ausbildung von der Long Island Universität. Im Klassenraum seit 20 Jahren begann Frau Kamerer ihre Karriere Lehre Mittelschule Mathematik und auf die High School, nachdem sie am Institut für Leadership Training für Lehrer der Mathematik an SUNY Old Westbury, die ihren Wunsch, Höhere Mathematik zu lehren beteiligt . Sie lehrt derzeit Common Core Algebra, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC an der Schreiber High School. Sie glaubt, dass es wichtig ist, an Studenten zu glauben, auch wenn sie nicht an sich selbst glauben und bemüht sich, ihren Schülern zu helfen, zu verstehen, dass Rückschläge ein integraler Bestandteil des Lernens sind. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung hat Frau Kamerer ein Team von Math Counts geleitet und Studenten für die Long Island Al Kalfus Math Messe betreut. Frau Kamerer ist Mitglied der Pi Mu Epsilon National Ehrenmathematik Gesellschaft in Anerkennung der überlegenen Leistung auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik. Frau Kamerer ist ein aktives Mitglied des Nationalen Rates der Lehrer für Mathematik und Nassau County Mathematics Teachers Association, ein Empfänger von mehreren Stipendien aus der Port Washington Educational Foundation und Workshop Moderator auf mehreren Lehrkonferenzen während der Jahre, einschließlich der LIMACON Long Island Mathematik-Konferenz. Elizabeth freut sich auf das NYS Master Teacher Programm berufliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, weil sie gemeinsam mit anderen motivierten Lehrern lernen will. Jennifer Keller Southampton Schulbezirk - Bio Coming Soon - Justin King Commack Union Freie Schulbezirk Justin King verdiente seinen BS in Physik von Union College und Master of Arts in der Lehre von Stony Brook University. Er lehrt seit sieben Jahren Physik an der Commack High School. Neben dem Unterricht leitet Herr King das Science Olympiad Team und das Science Quiz Bowl Team. Herr König hat das umgedrehte Klassenzimmer-Modell des Unterrichts angenommen und hat begonnen, ein Flipped Mastery-Modell zu implementieren, in dem die Schüler in ihrem eigenen Tempo arbeiten, um Unterrichtseinheiten in einer Umgebung zu vervollständigen, die das wahre Verständnis und die Synthese von Wissen fördert. Als ein NYS-Meisterlehrer freut sich Herr King darauf, mit gleichgesinnten Kollegen über Wissenschaft und Mathematik Disziplinen zu arbeiten, um interessante und innovative Wege zu finden, um seine Schüler zu erziehen und zu begeistern. Theresa Kraycar East Hampton Schulbezirk Theresa Kraycar verdiente ihren MS in Angewandter Mathematik und Statistik von der Stony Brook University. Im Klassenraum seit 20 Jahren lehrt Frau Kraycar fortgeschrittene Algebra, Trigonometrie und Statistik an der East Hampton High School. Ein starker Befürworter des studentenzentrierten Lernens, Frau Kraycar bietet den Schülern die Möglichkeit, durch die Prozesse der Modellierung, Analyse und Hands-on-Aktivitäten produktiv zu kämpfen, zusammenzuarbeiten und Mathematik zu lernen. Ihr Lieblingsteil über das Unterrichten von STEM hilft den Schülern zu sehen, wie Mathematik in Wissenschaft und Natur integriert ist. Ihre beruflichen Interessen umfassen Lehrer Lernen, Lehr-Verbesserung und Forschung auf dem Autismus-Spektrum. Frau Kraycar war ein Mitwirkender in einem Artikel über Sex-Verhältnisse im Autismus-Spektrum. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Lehrverantwortung führt Frau Kraycar ldquolesson Studien, rdquo eine Berufsentwicklungspraxis, die von japanischen Erziehern verteidigt wird und ist ein aktives Mitglied der Polizei-Tätigkeitsliga. Ihr Lieblingszitat ist aus Galileo Galilei ldquoIf ich wieder mein Studium begann, würde ich dem Rat von Plato folgen und mit Mathematik beginnen. William William Leacock Bellmore-Merrick Central High School Bezirk - Bio kommt bald - Soowook Lee Roslyn Schulbezirk Soowook Lee verdient Sein BE im Bauingenieurwesen von Cooper Union und MEd in Mathe Ausbildung in Lehman College. Im Klassenzimmer für 15 Jahre lehrt Herr Lee Geometrie und multivariable Kalkül an der Roslyn High School. Ein starker Anwalt für studentenzentrierte Entdeckungsstunden, Herr Lee beschäftigt seine Schüler mit problemorientiertem Lernen, Mustersuchenden und hohen mathematischen Anfragen. Herr Leersquos berufliche Interessen konzentrieren sich auf Matheforschung und Mathematik Team Coaching. Seine aktuellen Projekte sind die Schaffung von Video-Ressourcen für Studenten und die Entwicklung effektiver Strategien für den Unterricht Common Core Mathematics. Zusätzlich zu seinen Lehrtätigkeiten dient er als Math Team Trainer für Roslyn High School. Herr Lee wurde vor kurzem als Staats-Finalist für die Präsidenten-Auszeichnungen für Exzellenz in Mathematik und Wissenschaft Lehre (PAEMST), die Nation höchsten Ehre für Mathematik und Wissenschaft Lehrer geehrt. Herr Lee war ein Meisterlehrer mit Mathe für Amerika, bevor er sich der Long Island Region des NYS Master Teacher Program anschloss. Kimberly Libertini Tal Stream Schulbezirk Kimberly A. Libertini verdiente ihr BS in Biologie von SUNY New Paltz, MS in Biologie Ausbildung von Long Island University (LIU) und Zertifikate für School Building Leadership und School District Leadership in Pädagogischen Verwaltung von Stony Brook University. Im Klassenzimmer 15 Jahre lehrt Frau Libertini Living Environment und Authentic Science Research an der Valley Stream North High School. Ein starker Befürworter für eine effektive Kommunikation, Problemlösungskompetenz, Dateninterpretation und praktisches Lernen, sie involviert ihre Schülerinnen und Schüler beim Lesen und Verständnis modernster wissenschaftlicher Forschungsartikel, die sie dazu ermutigen, eigene Forschungsprojekte zu entwickeln, entsprechende Methoden zu nutzen und anzuwenden Effektive schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, um Ergebnisse zu melden. Frau Libertini ist ein Befürworter für Workshops, die sich auf die Entwicklung effektiver, aktiver und kooperativer Lerntechniken mit ihrem lokalen Vorstand von Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) und der Science Teachers Association of NYS konzentrieren. Ihre Forschungsinteressen konzentrieren sich auf Genexpression Profiling und Krebs, Themen, die sie in Arbeit für die Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory untersucht. Zusätzlich zu ihrer High School Lehrverantwortung hat Frau Libertini als Adjunct Professor für Absolvent und Undergraduate Klassen bei LIU gelehrt. Caryl Lorandini Carle Place Schulbezirk Caryl Lorandini verdiente ihre BS in Elementary Education vom SUNY College in Old Westbury und MS von Long Island University-CW Post. Frau Lorandini hält die Zertifizierung in der Grund - und Mathematikpädagogik. Während Frau Lorandinirsquos fast 20 Jahre Unterricht hat Frau Lorandini Inspiration in ihrer Familie, Studenten und Mitarbeitern gefunden und hat eine tiefe Liebe zum Unterrichten und Lernen. In Carle Place MiddleHigh School für die letzten 14 Jahre, Frau Lorandini lehrt 8. Klasse Mathematik und Algebra, und dient als Berater der National Junior Honor Society und Mathematics Honor Society. Frau Lorandini ist ein aktives Mitglied ihrer beruflichen Gemeinschaft, die in den Vorständen der Nassau Grafschaft-Mathematik-Lehrer-Vereinigung, Nassau Grafschaft-Verbindung der Mathematik-Vorgesetzten und Verband der Mathematik-Lehrer von NYS dient. Frau Lorandini hat Workshops auf Distrikt-, Landkreis-, Landes - und Nationalkonferenzen vorgestellt. Als NYS-Master-Lehrerin freut sich Frau Lorandini auf die Gelegenheit, Teil der professionellen Lernteams zu sein, um ihre Mathematikkenntnisse zu vertiefen und auszubauen. Keith Lundquist South Huntington Union Freie Schulbezirk Keith Lundquist verdiente seinen BA in Physik und Mathematik von SUNY Oswego, MA in Science Education von der New York University und ist derzeit Doktorand in Science Education an der Stony Brook University. Auch nach 15 Jahren im Klassenzimmer ist Herr Lundquist gewidmet, seine Fähigkeiten als Erzieher zu entwickeln, um der bestmögliche Lehrer für seine Schüler zu sein, und genießt die Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Kollegen auf neuen Kursmaterialien und Umsetzung. Er unterrichtet Fortgeschrittene Platzierung (AP) und ehrt Physik und Astronomie an der Walt Whitman High School. Ein langjähriger Befürworter der studentisch-zentrierten Lehre, Herr Lundquist, integriert seine Studenten und Interessen in die Unterrichtsplanung. Innerhalb des NYS Master Teacher Programms leitete er einen Workshop für seine Peer AP Physics Teachers und konzentrierte sich auf verschiedene Themen rund um den Kursinhalt und die Struktur und organisierte Tesambania, einen Physik-Demonstrationswettbewerb zwischen Lehrern. Herr Lundquist liebt es, STEM für seine Kreativität zu unterrichten. Er kann oft zitiert werden sagen, ldquoTo tatsächlich die Wissenschaft ist, etwas zu tun, was noch nie zuvor getan wurde. Kreativität ist das Herzstück jeder Entdeckung. rdquo Lawrence Maggio Plainedge Schulbezirk Lawrence Maggio verdiente seine BA von SUNY College bei Oswego in Marketing und Mathematik, MS in Bildung von Molloy College und National Board Certification. Im Klassenzimmer für 14 Jahre lehrt er Advanced Placement AB amp BC Calculus und Geometry an Plainedge High School. Mr. Maggio regularly reflects on how lessons are perceived by students, adjusting his teaching skills to better meet their needs and integrating multiple forms of technology. A lifelong learner himself, he seeks new pedagogical methods to improve studentrsquos appreciation for mathematics. Mr. Maggio has served as the cooperating teacher for student teachers and enjoys sharing his love of teaching with anyone who will listen Outside of the classroom he is advisor for the Sophomore Student Council, Math Honor Society, Yearbook, and Lights and Sound Crew for the Fall Play and Spring Musical. With the NYS State Master Teacher Program, Mr. Maggio participates in discussions about Common Core teaching strategies, Integrated Algebra Regents, and AP Calculus Free response questions. Jacque McCormack Brentwood Union Free School District Jacque McCormack is a proud alumnus of James Madison University, earning both her BS in mathematics and her MEd in Secondary Education down in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Harrisonburg, VA. With 15 years of teaching experience in a wide variety of geographical locations, she has been delighted to teach at Brentwood High School (BHS) for the past decade. During her time at BHS, Ms. McCormack has written curriculum for the Math Department, served as an advisor to the National Honor Society, and been a member of the Literacy Team. Currently teaching Common Core Geometry and Introduction to Calculus, Ms. McCormack runs her classroom with a student-centered metacognitive approach, encouraging students to embrace their own individual learning styles. Ms. McCormack believes that Mr. Nelson Mandela was accurate when saying, Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can use to change the world, and Ms. McCormack looks forward to strengthening her arsenal through her work with the NYS Master Teacher Program. Luisa McHugh William Floyd School District Luisa McHugh earned her BS in biology and Masters in Teaching at Stony Brook University, and is currently pursuing her PhD in science education researching the benefits of an integrated STEM curriculum at the middle school level. Ms. McHugh has been teaching Living Environment to 8 th grade students in the William Floyd School District for eight years. She enjoys the energy and enthusiasm for learning that 8 th grade students possess. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Ms. McHugh serves as the Student Council Advisor and is a Collegial Facilitator spearheading ldquoStaff Chatsrdquo on empowering female adolescents. Ms. McHugh has published in School Science and Mathematics Journal, and has presented at several education conferences including the Science Teachers Association of NYS and the Association for Science Teacher Education. In addition to her variety of academic interests, Ms. McHugh loves traveling and bringing her personal experiences back to the classroom to share with her students. Dedicated to mastering her teaching craft she is guided by the principles of Carl Saganrsquos quote: ldquoSomewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. rdquo Ms. McHugh looks forward to learning from her colleagues and increasing her content and pedagogical content knowledge as a NYS Master Teacher. Keith Millman Brentwood Union Free School District Keith Millman earned his BS in biology and a Master of Arts in teaching biology from Stony Brook University (SBU). A teacher for ten years, Mr. Millman was adjunct professor at SBU for two years and currently teaches Intermediate Level Science at Brentwood East Middle School. A strong advocate for inquiry-based learning, differentiated instruction, and teaching with multiple modalities he involves his students in collaborative inquiry style project and problem-based instruction with daily kinesthetic and multisensory activities that engage every learner. His professional interests focus on the challenges English Language Learners experience in the science classroom, and he provides ample cross-curricular English Language Arts opportunities using research based strategies. Mr. Millman serves as a National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Master Teacher Fellow at SBU, and is a member of Science Teachers Association of NYS, National Science Teachers Association, the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, and the Golden Key International Honor Society. Mr. Millman believes that STEM teachers are blessed with the most exciting forever-changing curriculum and countless opportunities to engage young minds in the mysteries of the world around them. For him, the most rewarding component of teaching STEM is inspiring young minds to pursue a career in the sciences. Kimberly Milton Southampton School District Kimberly Milton earned her BS in biologyshy from Union College, Master of Arts in Teaching from Stony Brook University, and National Board Certification in Science. In her 17 years of teaching, Mrs. Milton has taught Regents Biology, chemistry, Earth Science, International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology, Advance Placement Biology, Marine Science, and Forensics. In addition to her classroom responsibilities, Mrs. Milton has served as the IB Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) Coordinator. Mrs. Milton is an active member of her department and school community she designs and coordinates the Community Science Nights at her school, making science fun and accessible to the community. As a Peer Mentor, she has worked with many first year teachers and veteran teachers acclimating to the school setting. Mrs. Milton also leads the National Board Cohort through the Peconic Teacher Center. Galileo Galilei is believed to have said, ldquoYou cannot teach a man anything you can only help him find it within himself. rdquo As so, she continually searches for innovative and engaging ways to lead students to learning. As a NYS Master Teacher, Mrs. Milton is looking forward to participating in upcoming mini-courses and working with Master Teachers in her region and across the state in meaningful professional development. Jessica Mintz Bay Shore Union Free School District Jessica Mintz earned her BS in biology and Master of the Arts in Teaching from Stony Brook University. She is currently working on her Ph. D. in Science Education at Stony Brook University focusing her research on the ldquoPatterns and Perceptions in Science Teacher Evaluations with the Annual Professional Performance Review in Suffolk Countyrdquo. Mrs. Mintz was awarded the Howard Hughes Doctoral Student Fellowship and the Robert Noyce Fellowship for graduate work. In the classroom eight years, she has taught 7 th grade Life Science, Regents Living Environment and is currently a Regents Chemistry teacher at Bay Shore High School. Mrs. Mintz coached the middle school girlrsquos lacrosse team, is a certified NYS Emergency Medical Technician for the last 13 years, and is an avid New York Rangerrsquos Fan. As a NYS Master Teacher, she is a member of the Long Island Association for Chemistry Teacher Support (LIACTS), a group formed by the LI chemistry Master Teachers in response to the need for a local discipline-specific professional community, which meets monthly to facilitate the collaboration of chemistry teachers across Long Island. She looks forward to working with her peer Master Teachers in LI and across the state to deepen her content and pedagogical knowledge and to continue as a life-long learner. Edward Moloney Three Village School District - Bio Coming Soon - Natasha Murray Copiague Union Free School District Natasha Murray earned her BA in English and Education from City College of New York, MSEd in Education from Queens College, and PhD in Mathematics Education from the University of Pennsylvania. In the classroom for more than ten years, she has taught elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels, and currently teaches 8 th grade Accelerated Algebra in the Copiague School District. Dr. Murrayrsquos dedication to the field of mathematics education through research and practice are evidenced in her presentations at national conferences including the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the American Educational Research Association. Her professional interests include differentiated instruction in mathematics classrooms, instructional technology, culturally relevant pedagogy, curriculum development, and teacher education programs for mathematics teachers. She is a member of Phi Delta Kappa International and Mensa. Dr. Murray also serves on the editorial panel of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School . a peer-reviewed journal of the NCTM. As a NYS Master Teacher, she has participated in several mini-courses including Measuring Global Climate Change, and is a member of the Homework and the Tape Diagrams Professional Learning Teams. Dawn Nachtigall Three Village School District Dawn Nachtigall earned her BA in Chemistry and Education, and Master of Arts in Teaching from Stony Brook University. She is presently working towards a PhD in Science Education at Stony Brook University. In the classroom for 17 years, Mrs. Nachtigall teaches 7 th grade Life and Physical Science at R. C. Murphy Junior High School in Stony Brook. A strong advocate for differentiated instruction, Mrs. Nachtigall motivates her students by providing them with choices on how to master in-class activities and projects. To share her passion for differentiated instruction, she currently teaches courses on this pedagogical topic to in-service teachers and is a regular speaker for Stony Brook University pre-service teachers. In addition to her teaching duties, Mrs. Nachtigall serves on the junior high schoolrsquos Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) committee, planning anti-bullying events. She also organizes a yearly Science Awareness event showcasing student research projects. Mrs. Nachtigall is a member of the National Science Teachers Association and was recently inducted as a member of the local American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit. Mrs. Nachtigall is inspired by the following words of Claude Leacutevi-Strauss: ldquoThe scientist is not a person who gives the right answers hes one who asks the right questions. rdquo Pamela OBrien Three Village School District Pamela OrsquoBrien earned her BA in mathematics at SUNY Binghamton and MSEd from Dowling College. In the classroom 26 years, Ms. OrsquoBrien teaches Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics, and Calculus Honors at Ward Melville High School. Ms. OrsquoBrienrsquos goal is to create a classroom environment where students are engaged in meaningful activities, discovering new concepts, and able to see how the mathematics they are learning can be applied to their lives. Over the years, Ms. OrsquoBrien has collaborated with colleagues to create math trails where students solve challenging math problems in the community. She is most proud of her role in helping to grow the AP Statistics Program at her high school. Ms. OrsquoBrien would like to see as many students take statistics during their high school careers because of the data driven world we live in where statistical literacy is becoming more important. For the past two years, her statistics students have completed a portfolio project using data collected from a class trip to Lazerland. Ms. OrsquoBrien has been a reader for College Boardrsquos AP Statistics grading which is a week where fellow statistics teachers share their ideas and love of all things mathematical. Within the NYS Master Teacher Program, she is looking forward to the opportunities to keep learning and growing, as well as the chance to collaborate with other Master Teachers to create dynamic curriculum. Stephanie OBrien Commack Union Free School District Stephanie OrsquoBrien earned her BS in Chemistry and Master of Arts in Teaching in Chemistry from Stony Brook University and is pursuing her doctorate in science education. Her professional interests focus on Pre-Service and in-Service teachersrsquo development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in Chemistry. In the classroom seven years, Mrs. OrsquoBrien teaches Regents, Honors, and introductory level chemistry courses at Commack High School. A strong advocate for inquiry based learning, she involves her students in collaborative activities that allow for self-directed exploration of the content. She has embraced the ldquoUnderstanding by Designrdquo teaching philosophy which focuses on the use of essential questions to facilitate student learning and the design of assessments that show true mastery of knowledge. At her school, Mrs. OrsquoBrien serves as the advisor to the Science Honor Society and is the science representative on the Secondary Education Literacy Committee. She is a member of the National Science Teachers Association and Science Teachers Association of NYS. Mrs. OrsquoBrien mentored students in the local National Chemistry Olympiad Competition (sponsored by the American Chemical Society) and served as a judge for the NYS Science and Engineering Fair. Cody Onufrock Long Beach School District Cody Onufrock earned his BA in Environmental Science from Binghamton University and MS in Earth Science Education from Long Island University. In the classroom 14 years, Mr. Onufrock teaches International Baccalaureate Environmental Science and Science Research at Long Beach High School. Engaging students in a hands-on study of real world issues is at the core of his teaching practice, and Mr. Onufrock enjoys motivating to learn by helping them see connections between the STEM topics from their class and their lives. For example, his classes examine and implement ways to reduce the environmental impact of students and the school on the local environment. His professional interests include the structure and functioning of ecosystems, and the interactions of humans and natural systems, and his recent projects focus on working with a civic organization to study relevant environmental issues with young residents in the community. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Onufrock serves as advisor to the ldquoAdventuralists Clubrdquo and coordinator of the high school garden. He is a member of the National Science Teachers Association. Mr. Onufrockrsquos favorite quote is from Albert Einstein, ldquoLook deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. rdquo Martin Palermo William Floyd School District Martin Palermo earned a BS in biology and a Master of Arts in Teaching from SUNY Stony Brook and is currently pursuing a PhD in Science Education at Curtin Universityrsquos Center for Science and Mathematics Education. Mr. Palermo has previously worked as an adjunct instructor at Stony Brook University teaching neurobiology laboratory focusing on physiology and neuromuscular function. In the classroom for eight years, Mr. Palermo currently teaches Regents and Honors level Chemistry at William Floyd High School. A strong advocate for flipped learning and peer instruction, he incorporates multiple technologies to engage students and assess understanding. In 2013 he was awarded Suffolk ASSETrsquos Bright Light Award for Technology Integration in the classroom. Mr. Palermo is on the STEM advisory Committee at his school, which developed the first STEM academy at William Floyd High School and is a mentor for new teachers in his district. He looks forward to collaborating with NYS Master Teachers from all STEM disciplines to develop interdisciplinary lessons for k-12 teachers. Grace Parisi Long Beach School District - Bio Coming Soon - Christina Pawlowski Commack Union Free School District Christina Pawlowski earned her BA in Mathematics and Secondary Education and a MS in Mathematics from Hofstra University. In the classroom for eight years, she teaches International Baccalaureate (IB) Mathematics Standard Level and IB Mathematics Higher LevelAdvanced Placement Calculus BC at Commack High School. A strong advocate for teaching through modeling and ldquothink aloudrdquo questioning, Ms. Pawlowski integrates technology, group work and various problem solving strategies to engage her students in a variety of hands-on, inquiry-based lessons. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Ms. Pawlowski is a member of the Secondary Level Literacy Committee and the ldquoUnderstanding by Designrdquo Instructional Committee at Commack High School. She is a member of the Suffolk County Math Teachers Association and recently presented workshops at the Long Island Language Arts Council Spring Conference and at the Annual Middle Level Conference sponsored by the NYS Middle School Association. Ms. Pawlowski was nominated for Teacher of the Year for her contributions to Commack High School. Jordan Pekor Plainview-Old Bethpage School District - Bio Coming Soon - Elizabeth Philp Smithtown School District Elizabeth Philp earned her BA in Mathematics from SUNY Geneseo and MS in Mathematics Education from Binghamton University. In the classroom nine years, Mrs. Philp teaches Algebra, Geometry, Functions and Statistics, and Computer Science in Smithtown High School East. An advocate for student-centered learning, she has incorporated group discussions, technology, experiments and alternative assessments into her teaching practice. At Binghamton University, Mrs. Philp was a graduate assistant for the Teacher Leadership Quality Project and led workshops for teachers learning how to incorporate interactive geometry software into the classroom. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, she has served as class advisor, prom chaperone, and has participated in various school events such as Homecoming and community service projects. A passionate and knowledgeable supporter of the Common Core Learning Standards, Mrs. Philp has been part of the team to implement the Algebra and Geometry modules into her schoolrsquos curriculum, and has facilitated presentations at Smithtown School Districtrsquos ldquoParent Universityrdquo and local Board of Education meetings. She is a member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Within the NYS Master Teacher Program, Mrs. Philp participates in a Professional Learning Team that will present at the Long Island Mathematics Conference. Derek Pope Commack Union Free School District Derek Pope earned his BS in Mathematics from Seton Hall University and Master of Arts in Teaching in Mathematics from Stony Brook University and was awarded National Board Certification in Math. In the classroom 10 years, Mr. Pope teaches Integrated Algebra and International Baccalaureate Precalculus at Commack High School. A strong advocate for inquiry-based learning, Mr. Pope involves his students in engaging activities and thought-provoking discussions. His professional interests include effective questioning techniques, technology integration to promote discovery learning, and ldquoLesson Study, rdquo a professional development practice championed by Japanese educators. Within the NYS Master Teacher Program, Mr. Pope participated in the Climate Change Mini-Course and is a member of three Professional Learning Teams (PLT): Mathematical Radian Measure PLT, Homework Policies PLT and the PLT Facilitator Training. Mr. Pope is a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Suffolk County Math Teachers Association, and is a Senior Fellow of the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation. He was awarded the Joseph B. Whitehead Educator of Distinction Award, an award presented annually to 250 educators nationally, in conjunction with the Coca-Cola Scholars Program in recognition for work done to support students in the pursuit of their goals for higher education. Steven Roach Bayport-Blue Point Union Free School District Steven Roach earned his BA in Biological Sciences from the University at Buffalo and MSEd in Biology Education 7-12 at Buffalo State College. For his masterrsquos project, he wrote a cell biology lab manual with a focus on inquiry-based exercises. Mr. Roach has taught science at Bayport-Blue Point High School for 14 years, teaching Living Environment, Marine Biology, and Current Issues in Science. He currently teaches Advanced Placement Biology and Science Research. With an emphasis on discovery learning, his focus is on making science visual and tangible in his classroom. It is his hope that students will view science as a process, rather than information in a textbook. He is inspired by the words from American Physicist, Frederick Seitz: ldquoA good scientist is a person in whom the childhood quality of perennial curiosity lingers on. rdquo In addition to teaching, Mr. Roach is co-advisor for the Interact Service Club, co-advisor for Science Olympiad and is a mentor for first-year teachers. As a NYS Master Teacher he has enjoyed the opportunity to work with other Master Teachers in the Inquiry Professional Learning Team (PLT) and the High School Research PLT, and looks forward to the ldquoEvolution and Healthrdquo mini-course. Danielle Rodrigues South Huntington Union Free School District - Bio Coming Soon - Jaime Rogers South Huntington Union Free School District Jaime F. Rogers Jr. earned his BS in Respiratory Care and post-graduate certificate in School BuildingDistrict Administration from Stony Brook University, and MS in Secondary Education from Dowling College. Mr. Rogers holds certifications in EMT-Critical Care, Registered Respiratory Therapy, Pulmonary Function, Neonatal Respiratory Specialty, and has earned his Professional Association Diving Instructors (PADI) Dive Master. Prior to teaching, he worked as a Respiratory Therapist. In the classroom for over 13 years, Mr. Rogers teaches Honors Physics, Robotics (offered for college credit through SUNY Farmingdale), CPR and First Aid at Walt Whitman High School. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Rogers started the Amateur Radio and FIRST VEX Robotics Clubs, and has raised over 140,000 for Childhood Cancer Research. In 2014, he was named the South Huntington Union Free School District ldquoTeacher of the Year. rdquo Outside of school, he serves as an Ex-Captain in the Terryville Fire Department, volunteering as a Firefighter and Emergency Medical Technician for Critical Care. Mr. Rogers loves the outdoorsmdashrunning obstacle races, and riding his motorcycle. Yet his greatest achievement is becoming a father of Dorothy and James. Mr. Rogers is looking forward to building camaraderie and sustaining the professional network established by the NYS Master Teacher Program. Anthony Rohm Shoreham-Wading River School District Anthony Rohm graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BS in biology and a Masters of Art in Teaching Biology from Stony Brook University. As a certified Let Me Learn Education Specialisttrade, Mr. Rohm integrates a unique set of learning tools into his classroom instruction based on the learning patterns of his students. He is an advocate for hands-on learning that is student-centered and science inquiry-based. Mr. Rohm has been teaching for 12 years, including forensic science, anatomy, and physiology at Shoreham-Wading River High School as well as life science and physical science at Albert G. Prodell Middle School. He was selected for a panel of Expert Cooperating Teachers for Stony Brook Universityrsquos Education Department and has supervised more than ten student teachers. Mr. Rohm is looking forward to working with the Long Island regionrsquos summer 2015 professional development conference Real World Math and Science Professional Development for Master Teachers . Aside from his experience in education, he has presented a seminar entitled Effective Leadership Skills to management professionals at KPMG . Mr. Rohm teaches with the spirit of Steven Coveyrsquos quote in mind:rdquoPeople do not care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. rdquo Marianne Schoepflin Smithtown School District Marianne Schoepflin earned her MS in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic University and MA in Mathematics Teaching from Stony Brook University. In the classroom nine years, Mrs. Schoepflin teaches algebra, Intermediate Algebra II, Introduction to Calculus and is involved in educating the community about the Common Core Learning Standards at Smithtown High School East. Her favorite part about teaching STEM is using real world examples in the classroom, such as helping her students see the Fibonacci sequence in pinecones, flowers and shells. Her current projects include coordinating an annual district-wide Math Fun Night where students from grades 4 ndash 12 discover and celebrate mathematics. Mrs. Schoepflin was honored with the Smithtown Teacherrsquos Association Torch Award for her contributions to the professional development of her colleagues. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Mrs. Schoepflin is the advisor for the Smithtown High School chapter of the NYS Math Honor Society and a member of the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. Within the NYS Master Teacher Program, she attended a mini course of on fractals, and following a training session for Professional Learning Teams, she joined twomdashone for Calculus and one for Inquiry Based Learning. Peter Schuchman Three Village School District Peter Schuchman earned his BS in Geological Sciences at the University of Oregon, MS in Hydrogeology, and an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership from Stony Brook University. Prior to teaching, Mr. Schuchman worked as a Hydrologic and Biologic Technician with the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service in the national forests of Oregon and as a land surveyor in NYS. In the classroom now for 14 years, Mr. Schuchman teaches Regents Earth Science and Earth SMART, an advanced Earth Science Research course that he developed 10 years ago. Mr. Schuchman has also been involved with his schoolrsquos award winning Science Olympiad team, served as an advisor for Earth Science club, helped organize the schools Science Fair (Science Awareness Day), and developed a fishing club. An avid fisherman and kayaker, Mr. Schuchman enjoys warmer days at the beach or on the water. Also employed as an educational consultant by the NYS Educational Department, Mr. Schuchman has written, edited, and offered a ldquofinal eyesrdquo review of NYS Regents examinations in the Physical SettingEarth Science. As a NYS Master Teacher, Mr. Schuchman looks forward to participating in the Chemistry and Physics in Earth Science mini-course, and becoming part of this statewide professional learning community. Michael Shanzer Bay Shore Union Free School District Michael L. Shanzer earned his BA in Communications from SUNY Oswego, BS in Physical Therapy from SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, MSEd in Secondary Education from Dowling College, and Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Utica College. In the classroom 11 years, Dr. Shanzer teaches Regents and Honors Chemistry, Regents Living Environment, Anatomy and Physiology, and English as a Second Language Earth Science at Bay Shore High School. Dr. Shanzerrsquos vision is to help students realize their dreams early in life through the practice of introspective and critical thinking. Within the Master Teacher Program, Dr. Shanzer is active in two Professional Learning Teams (PLT): Creating Flipped Lessons PLT and Practical Strategies for Flipping Studentsrsquo Learning PLT. He is also co-founder and co-facilitator of the Long Island Association for Chemistry Teacher Supports, a group composed of chemistry Master Teachers who meet monthly. He is a certified Advanced Reiki practitioner and a licensed practicing physical therapist, providing physical therapy services for 19 years. In his spare time, he enjoys running, exercising and silversmithing. Thomas Shea Commack Union Free School District - Bio Coming Soon - Nora Sheppard Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District Nora Sheppard earned her BS in Biology Education from SUNY Oneonta and MA in Biology from CUNY City College. In the classroom for 20 years, Mrs. Sheppard teaches science at Merrick Avenue Middle School. She was the coordinator of the Junior High School Natural Science Program at the American Museum of Natural History, and taught science in New York City and in Tanzania, Africa before her work at Merrick Avenue. Mrs. Sheppard is a strong proponent of problem-based learning where students are engaged in solving problems in a practical real world context. Accordingly, her teaching aims to engage students in the creative process of understanding the natural world. With the NYS Master Teacher Program, she has participated in the Safety of Genetically Engineered Food mini-course and is a member of the Middle School Science Professional Learning Team. Mrs. Sheppard is active in various professional communities and regularly teaches workshops in the Real World Science Program for Elementary teachers at Stony Brook University. Michael Silvering Islip School District Michael Silvering earned his BS in geology at Binghamton University where he researched sedimentology and groundwater remediation, and MS in Earth Science Education at Stony Brook University with studies focused on Long Island glacial features. In the classroom for nine years, Mr. Silvering teaches 8 th grade Honors Earth Science, 8 th grade General Science, and 7 th Grade General Science at Islip Middle School. His fascination in Earth Science was sparked as a child while visiting caves, exploring beaches and state parks, and fossil hunting in upstate NY. Mr. Silvering shares his passion for science with his students, encouraging them to relate each lesson to real-world applications. He has served as mentor to the Islip Middle School Science Olympiad team, which has earned its way into the state competition in recent years. An active member of the Science Teachers Association of NYS, Mr. Silvering collaborates regularly with other science teachers to develop curriculum and activities that promote inquiry and enthusiasm among students. As a NYS Master Teacher, Mr. Silvering looks forward to engaging in professional development to learn new ideas and techniques for teaching science, and sharing those ideas with other dedicated educators from across the state. Richard Slesinski Syosset School District Richard Slesinski earned his MS in Physics Education from SUNY New Paltz. In the classroom 26 years, Mr. Slesinski teaches Advanced Placement Physics at Syosset High School. His primary focus is to foster a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent collaboration between students, parents, and himself. He enjoys engaging his students by creating cooperative learning opportunities which provide them with ownership in the lessons. Mr. Slesinski continues to expand his knowledge through his participation with ldquoQuarknet, rdquo a national program sponsored by the National Science Foundation promoting collaboration between PhD physicists and high school physics teachers and students. Mr. Slesinski combined his passion for playing the accordion and his love of physics by working as a full time research assistant at Bard College for four summers focusing on the physics of musical instruments. He is an active member of the Science Teachers Association of NYS and the American Association of Physics Teachers. Michael Stano Garden City School District Michael Stano earned his MS in Earth Science Education from Long Island University, BS in Biology from Stony Brook and is completing his Master of Professional Studies in Environmental Management from Stony Brook. In the classroom 10 years, he teaches Advanced Placement Environmental Science and Regents Earth Science at Garden City High School. Mr. Stano believes that technology can be a wonderful tool to reach students and lead them toward success and he strives to bring science into his studentsrsquo lives by showing them real world scenarios through his lesson. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he helped create Garden City Middle Schoolrsquos First Lego League Robotics Teams and had advised the high schoolrsquos stage crew. Mr. Stano implemented a ldquoflippedrdquo classroom model for his Regents Earth Science curriculum, and presented to his colleagues about his experience at the National Council for Exceptional Children Conference in Philadelphia and at the first annual Long Island Connected Educators Conference. With the NYS Master Teacher Program, Mr. Stano has led a workshop on inquiry based labs. Jon Steigerwald Deer Park Union Free School District Jon Steigerwald earned his BA in biology and MA in secondary education from Dowling College, and an Advanced Certificate in school administration from Hofstra University. In the classroom for ten years, Mr. Steigerwald teaches eighth grade general science at Robert Frost Middle School in Deer Park. He is a strong advocate for hands-on science, technology-infused activities, inquiry-based learning, and making science relevant to the students. He involves his students in science fair projects with topics of their choosing and human disease research projects. His professional interests focus on the use of data to drive instruction, cross curriculum projects and his current projects include building a class website, and the development of a modified flipped classroom. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Steigerwald serves as the ScienceEnvironmental Club advisor, a model classroom teacher, and is an active member of Science Teachers Association of NYS and the National Science Teachers Association. With the NYS Master Teacher Program, Mr. Steigerwald has participated in the Geo-Science of Hydraulic Fracturing and the 3-D Printing mini-courses. Mr. Steigerwald is inspired by the words of Albert Einstein, ldquoImagination is more important than knowledge. rdquo Carisa Steinberg Syosset School District - Bio Coming Soon - Jeanne Suttie Commack Union Free School District Jeanne Suttie earned her BS in Environmental and Forest Biology with a minor in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology and Management from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, MS in Educational Technology from C. W. Post, and Master of Arts in Teaching in Earth Science from SUNY Stony Brook. Prior to teaching she was an Environmental Interpreter for New York State Parks ndash Long Island Region. In the classroom for 15 years, Ms. Suttie currently teaches Regents Living Environment, and a STEM elective class at Commack Middle School. She has created interdisciplinary projects each year to engage students school-wide in environmental conservation issues. She is currently one of the advisors for the S. T.R. E.A. M. club (formerly Science Research), and as a member of the District Literacy Committee, is a leader in literacy professional development for the department and the building. As Dr. Jane Goodall said, ldquoEvery individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. rdquo As a NYS Master Teacher, she is looking forward to continuing her growth as a teacher by collaborating with other Master Teachers and participating in professional development opportunities in order to bring best practices to her students. Robyn Tornabene Long Beach School District Alexis Vandergoot Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District Alexis Vandergoot earned her BS in biology with a minor in chemistry from SUNY Geneseo, and her Master of Arts in Teaching from Stony Brook University. She is a certified teacher in biology, chemistry, and General Science. Mrs. Vandergoot has been working in Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District for six years and has taught at both John F. Kennedy and Mepham High Schools. During this time she has taught Living Environment, chemistry, Marine Biology, Environmental Science, College Anatomy and Physiology, and Forensics. In addition to her classroom responsibilities, she is the advisor of the Protein Folding Challenge Team that has been competing at Stony Brook University since 2009, was the Varsity Girls Lacrosse Assistant Coach from 2010-2013, and is science club advisor, looking forward to taking her team to the NYS Science Olympiad competition this year at Le Moyne University of Syracuse. Mrs. Vandergoot is an active member of various professional organizations including Chem Union, Science Teachers Association of NYS, National Science Teachers Association, and the Bellmore JFK Parent Teacher Association. As a NYS Master Teacher, she is looking forward to collaborating with fellow Master Teachers to deepen her content and pedagogical knowledge, and to discuss best practices for helping students become passionate about the sciences. Bobby Varughese Commack Union Free School District Bobby Varughese earned his BS in Mathematics from Stony Brook University and his MS in Secondary Education in Mathematics from Dowling College. Mr. Varughese is a life-long Commack resident and alumnus of Commack High School. He currently teaches International Baccalaureate Standard Level (Methods), College Calculus, and Intermediate Algebra at Commack High School, and has been an early adopter of collaborative learning software for his classes. An avid and competitive pool-billiard player, he competes at the local and national levels. Mr. Varughese is excited to be part of the NYS Master Teacher Program and feels that being part of a group of teachers that will spend the extra time to discuss the art and science of teaching and instructional methods to help colleagues will only help him become a better teacher. Since joining the Long Island region, Mr. Varughese has participated in mini-courses on geometry and statistics, and plans on working with a pre-service teacher next year. Charles Vessalico Malverne School District Charles Vessalico earned his BS in Biochemistry, Master of Arts in Teaching in Biology from Stony Brook University, and is a Robert Noyce Master Teacher fellow at Stony Brook University. In the classroom for nine years, Mr. Vessalico teaches Advanced Placement Biology, Science Research, and Engineering Applications at Malverne High School. A strong advocate for project-based learning and a technology-infused curriculum, he involves his students in hands-on research projects focused on solutions to real world problems. His current work includes developing engineering courses in robotics and a biotechnology-based research program. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, he serves as the F. I.R. S.T. robotics coach for the Malverne High School Team 884, is the lead instructor for the Biotechnology Summer Camp at Stony Brookrsquos Center for Math and Science Education, and is a Malverne Teacher Center Policy Board Member. Within the NYS Master Teacher Program, he has participated in a mini-course on Genetically Modified Foods, and is a member of the High School Research Teachers and Biology Teachers Professional Learning Teams. He is a member of the National Science Teacher Association and Science Teachers Association of NYS, and was honored with the Teacher of the Year Award for his contributions to Malverne High School. Gary Vorwald Three Village School District Gary Vorwald earned his BS in Earth Science and Secondary Education from SUNY Cortland, MS in Geology from the University of Kansas, and School District Administration Certificate from Dowling College. Before teaching, he worked for several years as an exploration petroleum geologist. In the classroom for 29 years, Mr. Vorwald has taught Earth Science, 8 th grade Physical Science, Science Research, and 7 th grade science at Paul J. Gelinas Junior High School since 1998. A hallmark of Mr. Vorwaldrsquos approach in teaching science is providing his students with field experiences at Niagara Falls and astronomy nights. He integrates inquiry activities into his curriculum that utilize investigating features around the school and within the community. One of Mr. Vorwaldrsquos most successful and rewarding experiences is his working as Head Coach of the Science Olympiad, which won the state title multiple times, and participated in the National Tournament over 12 times. Past accolades include being named NYS Earth Science Mentor and Science Teachers Association of NYS: Fellows Committee Chair. In his spare time, he enjoys researching fife and drum music from the Revolutionary War period, and has co-authored a book on the topic. As a NYS Master Teacher, Mr. Vorwald is looking forward to collaborating with other Master Teachers, and learning new techniques to inspire his students. Alicia Walsh Patchogue-Medford School District Alicia Walsh earned her BA in Elementary Education from MidAmerica Nazarene University, MA in Education from Avila College, and MS in Educational Administration from St. Johnrsquos University. In the classroom for 25 years, she teaches 7 th grade science at Oregon Middle School in Medford. A strong advocate of learner-centered, inquiry-based instruction, Mrs. Walsh engages her students in rigorous learning experiences that incorporate research activities. Her professional interests focus on working collaboratively to develop interdisciplinary units of study that include higher-order thinking skills while attending to science standards. Current projects include the organization of a school-wide ldquoWater Dayrdquo fair and designing cross-curricular learning activities for use at the districtrsquos outdoor learning lab, ldquoFish Thicket. rdquo She was a part of Pine Barrens Societys Long Island Groundwater Curriculum initiative, ldquoMiddle School Kids Go to College, rdquo and MiSP (Math Infusion into Science Project), a program that created and implemented 8 th grade STEM units of instruction. With the NYS Master Teacher Program, Mrs. Walsh has participated in the Safety of Genetically Modified Food mini-course and workshops including Professional Learning Team Facilitation and Flipping the Classroom. One of her favorite STEM quotes is by Edwin Powell Hubble: Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe and calls the adventure science. Stephen Wefer Sachem School District - Bio Coming Soon -

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