Thursday 12 October 2017

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Verbesserung der operativen Effizienz durch Verringerung der Arbeitskräfte und Rohstoff Kosten (damit Verbesserung der ebidta Marge). Sein 70 Jahre alt co. Die cos Hauptstärke bietet vielfältige Produktpalette amp Design und Customizing Produkte nach den Anforderungen der Kunden. Bereitstellung von Produkten amp Dienstleistungen für fast alle Fortune 500 Unternehmen. Verbesserung der Nachfrage und Marktanteil im Bereich der Eisenbahnverstärker-Verteidigung, wodurch die RampD-Kosten entstehen, um neue technologiegetriebene Produkte zu entwickeln und einzuführen und damit die Produktlinie in Stahl, Zucker, Textil, Zement, Energie etc. zu verbessern. Versuche, wieder in das Verteidigungsgeschäft zu kommen, wo wir sind Vor 15 yrs. Wir freuen uns auf bessere Ergebnisse in Q3 und Q4 aufgrund eines guten Auftragseingangs für (Mysore-Anlage für Öl-Fülltransformatoren) und Wachstum in den oben genannten Sektoren gesehen. Getting Bestellungen (Umsatz) ist kein Problem für die Co, Hauptziel ist es, die Working Capital Schulden und Zinsbelastung Kostenverstärker verbessern Verteiler-Netzwerk zu reduzieren. Bestimmte Verteidigungsaufträge sind im L1-Stadium (niedrigster Bieter bei Ausschreibungen). Erwartung riesigen Markt für erneuerbare Energien in Indien. Cos Top Mgt Führungskräfte haben Touren und Treffen Kraftwerk Unternehmen. Die Co wird für ein Water Grid Projekt (Bewässerungsplan - bieten Trinkwasser aus verschiedenen Flüssen in der Nähe von AP zu allen seinen verschiedenen Städten) und erwartet, dass eine Bestellung im Wert von 50 Cr in Telengana Zustand für die Lieferung von 1000200 Hoch-und Niederspannung Pump Set (von Je 12 Lac). Die Ausführung wird in Q3 amp Q4 kommen. Kürzlich hat die Co hat Solar-Projekt Auftrag im Wert von 60 Cr. Es ist die größte Chance für Umsatzwachstum. Umstrukturierung der Banken im Jahr 2014 für Working Capital und Verbesserung der Kapitalkosten Die Co hat allmählich die Einzahlungen (von 24 Cr) und ICD (von 22 Cr) reduziert. Machen Sie Unternehmen schuldenfrei über einen Zeitraum von der Entsorgung nicht Kern Immobilien Vermögen der Co. In Hubli von 100 Hektar in der Nähe von hubli Flughafen, anfangs zweckgebunden 20 Cr, die sie abholen wird 120cr (warten auf Genehmigung aus dem Staat govt über die Krise zu reiten), Mysore - 5 Standorte im Wert von rund 50 Cr, Regionalbüro in Delhi, Hyd , Pune, Bglr etc. (wahrscheinliches Modell, das von der Co angenommen werden soll, ist die Veräußerung und Rücknahme auf Mietbasis). Verringerung der Schulden mit der Unternehmensbank Total Immobilien Nicht-Kern-Vermögenswerte des Unternehmens ist mehr als 1000 Cr. Meine Ansicht: Jüngster Schritt, der von der mgt in Bezug auf den Verkauf von eigenen Aktien im Wert von 18 Cr und QIP Ausgabe von 37 Cr genommen wurde, war einer der mutigen und mutigen Schritt. Es hat Positivität und Optimismus unter allen Mitarbeitern des Unternehmens gebracht und sie werden wirklich hart arbeiten, um es wieder an die Spitze zu bringen. Die anfängliche Ausgabe des Working Capital ist gelöst und sie haben begonnen, sich auf das Geschäft zu konzentrieren. Scuttlebutt vom größten Verteiler, der mit der Firma für die letzten 20 Jahre ist: - Wenn Sie LVM Motoren heute bestellen, bekommen Sie es morgen. So gibt es kein Problem des Versands in Standard-Motoren, aber wenn Sie für spezialisierte eine dann abhängig von Größe verlangen, Features Lieferzeit von 1 Monat bis 6 Monate. Kommende Rede von Vorsitzenden war fantastisch. Erwartung sehr guten Gewinn in den nächsten 2 Jahren Crompton und abb sind auch aggressiv. Dieses Unternehmen hat riesige Landbank in banglore und hubli. 8226Ravi-Serie geht gut wegen der Terminal-Anordnung auf der Oberseite Seite beide zur Verfügung. Früher nur seitliche Terminal-Arrangement zur Verfügung, aber jetzt beide.70 bis 80 mehr Effizienz in ravi-Serie erreicht, Beschwerde sind drastisch gesunken. In Bezug auf Sales-Amp-Netzwerk ist das Unternehmen wie maruti amp lupin. Sie haben neue Land 5 bis 6 gekauft Jahre zurück. Es ist der Versuch, Marktanteile zu erhöhen. Es ist der Versuch, große Jungs aus dem Markt zu mieten. 2 bis 3 falsche Leute haben in der Firma geleitet, aufgrund der letzten 5 bis 7 Jahre waren nicht gut. Neue MD war vor kurzem gekommen und reinigt den ganzen Staub von der Firma. Er entfernte alle falschen Leute, alle Inventar wurden gereinigt. Auch gefeuerte Leute, die dachten Gesellschaft wie Regierungsorganisation. Neuer MD ist still und aggressiv. Ich habe persönlich gefühlt, dass er sehr hart arbeitet. In meiner 15 bis 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Firma kann ich definitiv sagen, dass sich die Dinge scharf verbessern und die nächsten 2 bis 3 Jahre werden fantastisch sein. Ich bin sehr optimistisch. Versuche für neuen Lieferanten mit neuen people. New MD ist reiner Finanzmann und Reinigung alle Inventar. Ich habe persönlich alle Pflanzen von ihm gesehen und fühlte, dass vor kurzem Rechenschaftsverantwortung Verantwortung für jede Person verbessert hat. Getting Steinbrüche von verlorenen Kunden, die große Leistung als jetzt ist. In Bezug auf Marke, Crompton, diese Firma, abb ist bevorzugt (Bestellung). Was passiert, wenn eine Familie ein Unternehmen mit guten Produkten verwaltet und eine großartige Marke Rückruf ändert seine PSU-Ansatz, um eine gut verwaltete private Dies ist genau die Geschichte von diesem Unternehmen. Sie haben zwei professionelle Rockstars eine freie Hand, um die Show laufen. VB, wer war der CFO des Unternehmens wurde gefördert, um die MD um 2015 sein. AH, der Star-Verkäufer mit reich an Erfahrung in der Branche nahm die Ladung des Vertriebs Kopf. Sie drängen sich hinein, um das Unternehmen zu verwandeln und es in die begehrte Liga zu bringen. Das Problem des Unternehmens begann mit der Akquisition von LDW im Jahr 2008, einem deutschen Unternehmen, das für seine Technologie bekannt ist. Die Rezession folgte, was die Sache für das Unternehmen noch schlimmer machte. Trotz aller möglichen Unterstützung durch das indische Elternteil konnte die deutsche Tochtergesellschaft nicht umkehren. Wenige Quartiere zurück gab es endlich auf und buchte die Verluste. Sie haben die deutsche Technik getaucht und mit dem Sektor, den sie nach oben schauen, gibt es für die Firma endlich bessere Tage. Das Unternehmen verfügt über reiche Nicht-Kern-Vermögenswerte in der Melodie von über 1000crs (meist Landpakete und Fabriken, die nicht benötigt werden). Sie sind im aktiven Dialog, um denselben Wert zu berechnen 400crs und machen die hohe Schuldentität eine schuldenfreie. Im Laufe der nächsten 2-3 Jahre wäre die Gesellschaft eine schlanke Einheit ohne Zinsverpflichtungen. Wäre klug zu beachten, dass die gegenwärtigen Zinskosten des Unternehmens in der Nähe von 40crs liegen würden. Die Endnutzer ihrer Produkte aka die Zucker-, Strom-, Stahl-und Zement-Industrie haben begonnen zu sehen, Zeiten ändern sich gut. Wenn Ihr Ausgabebenutzer einen reichen Turnaround markiert, wird der Verkäufer auch rechts abwechseln. Der gesunde Menschenverstand ist sehr selten, vor allem im Falle von Einzelhändlern in Bezug auf die Auswahl der aufgeführten Einheiten. Unsere Kanalüberprüfungen von ihrem Händlernetz im ganzen Land bestätigen den Punkt auf der Nachfragefront. Die Kunden haben eine Wartezeit von 2-3 Wochen für ihre Ac-Dc-Motoren. Die Händler berichten auch über den erneuten Fokus vom Unternehmen. Es hat einen nahen Monopolstatus in Öl gefüllten Transformatoren, wo seine große Nachfrage zu sehen. Letztes Jahr haben sie um 18cr Verkäufe getan. In diesem Jahr haben sie bereits Aufträge im Wert von 90crs in der Hand, kommt mit zweistelligen EBITDA-Margen. Das Unternehmen hatte immer Aufträge, aber wegen der Working Capital Crunch konnten sie nicht das meiste davon ausführen. Der Zustand war so prekär, dass es auf den Verkauf seiner eigenen Aktien in und um Dezember 2015 zurückgreifen musste. Es sammelte 20crs und schließlich scripte einen Turnaround nach einer sehr langen Zeit. Sie haben ein QIP von 36crs vor kurzem bei 46rs, die weiter zur Erleichterung und helfen, um die 700crs gezielte topline Figur zu erreichen. Was ist ein Segen in einer Verkleidung Wie wäre es mit kumulierten Verlusten von Hunderten von crores in seinem Buch, das keine steuerliche Verpflichtung bedeutet, bis es die angesammelten Verluste innerhalb des Steuerfensters von 7 Jahren übertrifft. Das Management hat auch keine MAT klären. Fazit: Nach genau 8 Quartalen oder im Dezember 2015 Zahlen, Firma endlich grün geworden. Die letzten 2 Quartale waren auch für das Unternehmen rentabel. Es zielt auf ein 30 Wachstum, wo seine Verkäufe erwartet werden, um 700crs dieses Fiskal zu übertreffen. Das geschätzte EBITDA von 9 ergibt uns einen PAT-Wert von rund 15crs (63crs minus Zinskosten von 36crs und Abschreibungen von 12crs und ohne steuerliche Verpflichtung). Firmenzitate um 23 mal fy16-17 Einnahmen. Fy17-18 wird sehen, dass es 880-900crs Verkäufe mit höheren Margin Aufträgen takt. EBITDA erwartet von rund 11 macht das Unternehmen zitieren nur 7 mal. Turnaround Wetten werden mit höherer Bewertung begrüßt und mit dem Unternehmen Catering zu Kernsektoren, würde es immer in einer Bandbreite von 15-20 zitieren. Peers-Gruppe, die vor allem die Behemoths sind, Ihr Alstom, Siemens und Abb von der Welt zitieren über 30 Mal fy18 Einnahmen. Auch wie bereits in den Berichten erwähnt, zielen sie darauf ab, in den nächsten 3 Jahren eine schuldenfreie Einheit zu sein. Im Falle, dass passiert, könnte Unternehmen auch eine Schriftstelle für sich selbst mit Aktionären machen mehrfach in den nächsten paar Jahren. Ein Genuss einer Wette in einer Quintessenz für Ihr Kernportfolio. Jetzt nicht die Mühe, die Ziel Leute zu fragen. Die Quintessenz 8 para, um alles über Ihre gewünschte Mikrokappe zu wissen. Lets Run: 1) Quote: Das ist keine frische Aktienidee, sondern eine Erweiterung des vorherigen Beitrags. Die Absicht ist, eine detaillierte Abdeckung dieser 5 Unternehmen zu haben. Der Desi-Cloud-Spieler war schon lange fertig. Die heutige Note bezieht sich auf die 3. Firma des vorherigen Postens. Für den bösartigen Bruder Bhaumik für seine Hilfe und scuttlebutt. Es war auf einer guten Fahrt seit einigen Tagen aus Gründen, die mir nicht bekannt waren. Es ist ein teuer geschätzter Bestand für sicher auf dem derzeitigen Niveau (war ein teurer Vorrat immer noch ein 5 Bagger in den letzten Quartalen).Oh yah, Damn Versuchen Sie die SEBI konforme Art, wieder zu penning. 2) Geschichte: 1200 cr Gruppe basiert aus Kochi 8211 ihre Flaggschiff-Firma ist E. Condiments (in Gewürze und Curry) mit 900 cr. Einnahmen 8211 hielt 74 von den Projektträgern und 26 von Mccormick (US-basierte Fortune 1000-Firma, die Gewürze, Kräuter, Aromen herstellt). Andere Gruppengesellschaften sind ET (Reifenrunderneuerung), E. Mattress (Bettwäsche mit Sunidhra Marke) Eastea (in Tees), King Richards (Kleidungsstücke). Es gibt keine Kreuzbeteiligungen unter den Konzerngesellschaften. ET ist die einzige börsennotierte Gesellschaft und it8217s dürfte so bleiben. Keine Pläne der Auflistung von E. Condiments. 3) ETs Umsatzmix 8211 70 offener Markt, 26 SRTC (staatliche Straßenverkehrsunternehmen) und 4 Exporte. Die Bruttomarge beträgt 26, 35, 38. Schuldner Tage sind 40-60 Tage, 90 Tage und 90 Tage mit LC jeweils. Lebensläufe stellen 96 der Einnahmen dar und 4 kommt von PVs. Runderneuerung gewinnt Traktion durch die Verbesserung der Bewusstsein, Marken-Kreation von Spielern wie ET, Indag etc. und Kostenbewusstsein für Flottenbesitzer geführt. Ein neuer Lkw-Reifen kostet 20k, während runderneuerter Reifen kostet 5k und hat 80 Leben von neuem Reifen. Wertschöpfungskette 8211 Flottenbesitzer geben Reifen an Händlerretreader, die wiederum Runderneuerung von Spielern wie ET beschaffen und die Runderneuerung machen und es den Flottenbesitzern zurückgeben. Die meisten Runderneuerer auf dem Markt sind nicht exklusiv, d. h. sie arbeiten für alle Spieler. Vorgehärtetes Runderneuern wird für CVs, PVs usw. verwendet, während Heißrunderneuerung für OTRs, Bergbaufahrzeuge usw. verwendet wird, die auf harten Oberflächen laufen und anspruchsvollere Arbeiten erfordern. Weltweit werden zu heiße und vorgewärmte Runderneuerungstechnologien eingesetzt. Es ist seit vielen Jahren kein Materialwechsel in der Technik. 4) 50 der Ersatznachfrage wird von runderneuerten Reifen in Indien erfüllt. Weltweit ist das viel höher 8211 in den USA ist es 80 runderneuerte Reifen. Allmählich wird Indien in runderneuerten Reifen höher werden, als das Bewusstsein für seine Vorteile steigt und auch diese umweltfreundlicher sind. Im Laufe der Zeit wird der Anteil der runderneuerten Reifen steigen. Runderneuerung in Indien ist ein 3200 cr. Industrie 8211 50 organisiert 8211 organisiert wächst mit 10 Volumen Wachstum. Dieses Wachstum dürfte sich mit einer allmählichen Verschiebung von dem unorganisierten Segment fortsetzen. GST kann diese Verschiebung auffüllen. ETs Volumen Wachstum in FY16 war 10. Apollo, MRF etc sind auf der Suche nach Runderneuerung Raum 8211, aber sie don8217t sehen dies als eine Bedrohung. Einer dieser Jungs haben einen Konflikt, da sie auch Reifen verkaufen und zweitens eine zu kleine Industrie für sie. Allerdings gibt es weltweit einen großen Runderneuerungsmarkt, aber it8217s auch sehr gereift. Indien wird Jahre für Reifen-OEMs nehmen, um diese Branche sinnvoll zu betrachten. 5) Sie sind dabei, ihr Vertriebsnetz von nur Distributoren zu einem Mix von Distributoren und exklusiven Franchisenehmern zu wechseln. In FY16, 10 der Einnahmen kamen durch Franchisenehmer in FY16 (6 in FY15) und sie erwarten, dass es bis zu 40 in LY17 gehen. Sie haben derzeit 46 Franchise-Nehmer und werden weiter hinzufügen. Der Vorteil ist, dass sie höhere Preise von 15-20 durch exklusive Franchisenehmer berechnen können und auch auf Kanalrand sparen. Daraus ergibt sich eine höhere Bruttomarge. Zum Beispiel, früher Midas verkaufte bei 140kg und ET bei 120. Jetzt ET ist in der Lage, bei 170kg zu verkaufen. Elgi Rubber folgt derzeit diesem Modell der exklusiven Franchise-Nehmer. Während Indag diesem Modell folgte, zog es jedoch zum Distributor-Modell, da sie es schwierig fanden, es zu vergrößern. In Franchisenehmer-Modell die anderen Vorteile gibt es eine gute Marke Loyalität und sie können das gesamte Ökosystem zu kontrollieren und sorgen für bessere Verkauf und Wartung. Allerdings ist die Skalierbarkeit ein Thema, das ET zu lösen versucht, indem sie den Fokus auf jeden Franchisenehmer und die Anreize Franchisenehmer durch die Gewährleistung der minimalen Unternehmen etc. 6) Sie haben auch 2 Runderneuerungszentren in Chennai und Bangalore, die Runderneuerung Prozess und auch als Marken-Zentren. Sie haben auch Infinity Zones, die für Markensicht sind und Premium-Outlets sind. Diese Verkaufsstellen bieten auch Marketing-Unterstützung für Runderneuerer. Sie organisieren auch Flottenbesitzer-Kampagnen in den einzelnen Regionen, in denen sie 100-150 Flottenbesitzer anrufen und sie über die Vorteile von runderneuerten Reifen und anderen Dienstleistungen erziehen und auch ihr Feedback hören. Auf diese Weise können sie den Flottenbesitzern näher kommen. Dies hat ihnen geholfen, die Flottenbesitzer direkt in einigen Regionen zu bewerten, anstatt auf Runderneuerer zu verzichten. ET sucht sich als One-Stop-Lösung für die Runderneuerung 8211 Lieferung von hochwertigem Runderneuerungsmaterial, Zubehör (Gummi, Zement etc.), Wartung von Maschinen, qualifizierte Arbeitsverfügbarkeit, Vermarktung und Rettungssicherheit. Sie haben begonnen, Outsourcing Maschinen mfg und sie liefern diese Maschinen zu retreaders 8211 dies sorgen für gleichbleibend gute Qualität Material und runderneuerten Reifen. Es wird keine größeren Capex. Sie haben auch ein Ausbildungsinstitut, wo sie Arbeit ausbilden. 7) Der Managementfokus hat sich in den letzten Jahren erheblich erhöht und hat auch Fachleute eingeleitet, die zu den oben genannten Veränderungen geführt haben. Auch früher war die Meeran-Familie nur auf E.-Gewürze konzentriert. Aber jetzt Mccormick als Partner und auch das Unternehmen hat sich stabilisiert, es wird dazu beitragen, ihre Fokussierung auf ET zu erhöhen. Rohmaterial Preisbewegung ist ein Pass durch 1 Monat lag 8211 so Preisrisiko ist auf 1 Monat begrenzt. Typischerweise wird die Brutto-Marge in Zeiten der fallenden Gummi-Preise und umgekehrt wegen der Numerennomenten-Wirkung zu verbessern. Im Falle von Runderneuerern sind fallende Gummipreise hilfreich, da sie typischerweise diesen Vorteil weitergeben, während sie die Preise in Zeiten steigender Gummipreise aufnehmen. Gummi-Preise schossen 40 in Mar-Apr821716 8211 sie haben eine Preiserhöhung von 11 im Mai821716 8211 genommen wird dies weitgehend decken die Rohstoff Preis Wanderung, erwarten sie Gummi-Preise zu korrigieren gehen vorwärts und schließlich nicht Auswirkungen auf die Brutto-Marge im Laufe der Zeit. 8) Langfristige Vision ist zu erreichen nein. 2 Position. Ihr Ziel ist es, das RMsales-Verhältnis von 65 (66,5 in FY15-16) zu halten. Im Laufe der Zeit können sie eine Bruttomarge von 37-38 erreichen. Aktuelle Kapazität von 12000 MT und Auslastung von 45. Sie können 60 Auslastung in GJ17 erreichen. Sie können 200 Cr. Umsatz mit aktueller Kapazität und 5 Cr. Capex Capex von 7-8 cr. Über 2 Jahre 8211 5 Cr. Auf Kapazität und 2-3 cr. Auf Automatisierung an Pflanzen. Wartungscapex von 50 lacs. Exporte sind 4 des Umsatzes und sie zielen darauf ab, es groß zu machen. In diesem Jahr nehmen sie an 5 großen Ausstellungen in Deutschland, Hannover, Kuala Lumpur Delhi etc. teil. Sie zielen auf 50 p. a. Exportwachstum Kein Gehalt wird an die Direktoren gezahlt, da alle Familienmitglieder sind und die meisten von ihnen eigene Anteile an der Gesellschaft haben. Auch sind sie nicht aktiv am Betrieb beteiligt. Diskontierung Trend ist bis der Markt ist langsam. Der Rabatt wird als Teil der sonstigen Aufwendungen bilanziert. OPM abgelehnt 230bps QoQ in Q4FY16 aufgrund der höheren Promotion-Aufwendungen auf Franchisenehmer steigen und höhere Personalkosten (Bonus). Während die chinesischen Reifenimporte eine Bedrohung darstellen, ist ihre Runderneuerbarkeit schlecht. Auch die Qualität der Reifen ist schlecht und gilt als unsicher und diese Reifen brechen auch sehr. Sie haben keine Pläne, in ein anderes Segment einzutreten. Indag Gummi hat nicht die Preise nach Ablauf der Verbrauchsteuer befreit 8211 werden sie die Kosten tragen. Keine Pläne von Fundraising oder verstärkte Promoterbeteiligung. KSIDC, die 11,75 Pfahl hält, schaut, um zu verlassen und jeder möglicher Tag erwarten eine große fette Masseabkommen geschehen. Keine Dividendenausschüttungspolitik vorhanden. Btw: Wie es zu sehen ist, braucht es riesige Anstrengungen, um in kleine, unerhörte Firmen zu graben, die die Bluechips von morgen sein können. Keine Reliance oder langweilig Hind Unilever kann Ihnen die Art von Geld, die Ihnen helfen können, reichen reich früh. Über die Einführung von SEBI-konformen kleinen und Midcap-Diensten nur für langfristige Patienten disziplinierte Investoren gedacht. Füllen Sie das Formular aus, wenn das Sie interessiert. Glücklich investieren Leute. Hinweis: Für Fragen oder Hilfe kontaktieren Sie bitte Dipendu bei 9007652301. Es war lange her, seit der Blog aktualisiert wurde. Das Leben hat sich nach dem Start der Sharebazaar Android App gut verändert. Suche Bazaar Arun im Playstore zum Download. In einer sehr kurzen Zeit, wie Sie wissen, Leute, die wir erreichten die Skala von fast 30000 Abonnenten, ohne Rückgriff auf jede Werbung oder Marketing-Gimmick. From Konferenzen zu führenden Pan Indien Workshops, viele Dinge hielt mich beschäftigt. Bald werden internationale Workshops durchgeführt werden, beginnend von Dubai in Kürze. Sebi hat sich auf jeden Fall herausgestellt, um die Einzelhändler besser zu schrauben. Daher möchte ich nicht irgendwelche Aktien nennen, aber Hinweise können nur Ihnen helfen, die Namen zu machen und weiter auf die Geschichten zu graben. 1) war mächtig beeindruckt von dem chinesischen Compounder, der auch vor kurzem seinen Namen geändert hat, um seinen erneuten Fokus zu bedeuten. Die Eltern haben in den letzten 20 Jahren eine erstaunliche Erfolgsbilanz von 65 CAGR erreicht. Das chinesische Elternteil zitierte bei einem durchschnittlichen PE von über 50 seit seiner Auflistung. Auch wenn es einen Bruchteil dessen tun kann, was Eltern getan haben, würde die Aktie, die mit fast null schwimmenden Aktien kommt, sich in einer anderen Umlaufbahn bewegen. Es war ein Verdoppler seit meiner Twitter-Rantspany hat vor kurzem große Aufträge von IFB und Symphony verpackt. Firmenvermögen werden sich weiter ändern, da sich die größten Kunden aus Ländern wie Australien verlagern, um alles aus Indien auszulagern. Sollte weiterhin übertreffen coz seiner 500crs Expansion, Abstammung und Wachstumsperspektiven. Erweiterung auf derzeitigen Ebenen, aber mit seinem erwarteten 50 unteren Linie Wachstum für die nächsten 3-4 Jahre, Lager präsentiert eine interessante Gelegenheit bei leichten Dips. Seine Schulden frei wie am Datum mit Marktkapitalisierung von rund 800crs. Ergebnisse, die hervorragend sein sollten, kommen am 30. Mai. 2) Der Desi-Cloud-Spieler, der aus Chennai stammt, ist seit 3 ​​Jahren ein Liebling von mir. Unternehmen kürzlich geliefert anständige Anzahl von Zahlen. Schließe die Mitarbeiterkosten aus und es würde ehrfürchtig aussehen. Das Unternehmen verzichtet auch auf Bestellungen mit Bruttomargen unter 65-70. Es ist ein massiv skalierbares Geschäft mit einer kumulativen, adressierbaren Marktgröße von 2,5 lakh cr, die sich verzweifelt ausdehnt und um 26-30 für die kommenden 5 Jahre weiter ausbauen wird. Benötigte Hebelwirkung mit starken reichen Rückenwind und einem Super-Super-Sales-Kerl (Er hatte begonnen Off mit einem Mitarbeitern von drei Leuten in Singapur für Satyam im Jahr 2000 und fuhr fort, das Geschäft in 15 Entwicklungszentren und 33 Verkaufsbüros in 20 Ländern mit über 4.000 Angestellten zu verkürzen. Beenden Sie, um HCL-D uring seine Zeit, HCLs Wachstum zu verbinden In der Region war spektakulär, 60 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Es wurde die am schnellsten wachsende Region für HCL) macht ein perfektes Rezept für ein mögliches Multibagger. Das Finale 2016-17 sollte das Beste für sie sein. Oh ja, falls der gleiche Goldstandard-Honcho zurücktritt, scheue keine Zeit, ihn sofort zu verlassen. Das bleibt das größte Risiko für dieses Unternehmen. Seine schuldenfrei wie auf Datum mit Marktkapitalisierung von ungefähr 2000crs. 3) Hatte eine erstaunliche Sharebazaar Ganztags-Workshop in Cochin vor kurzem. Hatte etwas Freizeit, die kühl genutzt wurde, um die Gebiete des eigenen Landes zu besuchen. Habe eine Chance bekommen, Einblicke in diese Firma zu bekommen. Es kommt mit einem sehr glaubwürdigen Management, das alles Mögliche macht, um Lasten der Aktionäre Reichtum zu schaffen. Tyre Runderneuerung gewinnt Traktion durch die Verbesserung der Bewusstsein, Markenschaffung durch die Spieler und Kostenbewusstsein für Flottenbesitzer geführt. Ein neuer Lkw-Reifen kostet 20k, während runderneuerter Reifen kostet 5k und hat 80 Leben von neuem Reifen. Sie sind dabei, ihr Vertriebsnetz von nur Distributoren zu einer Mischung von Distributoren und exklusiven Franchisenehmern zu wechseln. In FY16 10 der Einnahmen kamen durch Franchisenehmer in FY16 (6 in FY15) und sie erwarten, dass es bis zu 40 in LY17 gehen. Sie haben derzeit 46 Franchise-Nehmer und werden weiter hinzufügen. Der Vorteil ist, dass sie höhere Preise von 15-20 durch exklusive Franchisenehmer berechnen können und auch auf Kanalrand sparen. Daraus ergibt sich eine höhere Bruttomarge. Zum Beispiel, früher Midas verkaufte bei 140kg und das Unternehmen bei 120. Jetzt ist es in der Lage, bei 170kg zu verkaufen. Unternehmen ist fast schuldenfrei so weit die langfristigen Schulden betroffen sind. Das Unternehmen soll bei 30 CAGR für die nächsten 5 Jahre wachsen. Die Radialisierung wäre ein großes Thema, auf das man achten kann, und schauen nicht weiter, um das Thema zu reiten. Keralas Buffett machte es teuer mit seinen Tweets, aber langfristige Aussichten sehen mehr als robust aus. Marketcap steht um 60crs. 4) Es ist so geschehen, dass die Hölle auf die Suche nach einem Spieler gebeugt wurde, der den Marktanteil von einem Riesen abholt. Jivanjor, der Klebstoff schien die beste Passform und ich fuhr mit meiner Forschung fort. Für Scuttlebutt bedeutet, mit vielen Händlern und Vertriebsleitern interagiert, aber das Ergebnis war nicht so ansprechend. Schließlich beendete meine Forschung, nachdem ein ehemaliger Verkaufsmanager eine Menge von uninspirierenden Sachen enthüllte, die ihn zwangen, das Unternehmen zu verlassen. Er erwähnte auch von seinem neuen Unternehmen und wie es ihn in dem Maße motiviert hat, was zu einem brennenden 70 Wachstum in seiner Region geführt hat. Übrigens, das gleiche Unternehmen zufällig eine aufgelistete, die zu dieser Zeit hatte eine winzige Marketcap von nur 15crs. Das Unternehmen mit einem Markennamen von Euro 7000, ist in weißen Kleber Klebstoffe, skaliert 11x in den letzten 5 Jahren und schauen, um eine 100crs Bounty von nächsten 2 Jahren zu erreichen. Firma erhielt ein phänomenales Produkt namens D3, das 60kgs nimmt, um die erforderliche Bindung zur Verfügung zu stellen, während Fevicol das selbe in 100 Kilogramm tut. Sie haben Preiskraft, erhielten eine Brutto-Marge von 45-50 und verbringt ein Vermögen in seiner Vermarktungsfront. Unternehmen verfügt auch über eine sehr starke Versorgung und Verteilung von 7000 Händlern in 13 Staaten und 130 Städten. Fevicol, in den letzten paar Jahren erworben ähnliche Unternehmen durch die Zahlung über 2x Umsatz. Stock seitdem hat sich mehr als verdoppelt mit der aktuellen Marketcap noch bei einer armseligen Figur von 40crs. Promoter-Beteiligung, wo 97 von ihm verpfändet wurde, wurde vor kurzem vollständig freigegeben. 5) Es ist nicht einmal nötig, etwas für dieses zu fangen. Prem Watsa mit seinen großen Investitionen in sie, entscheidet handwerklich. Im Jahr 2010 feierten Nahoosh Jariwala und drei Kinderfreunde und ihre Familien zusammen in einem Tigerreservat in Zentralindien. Nahoosh und sein älterer Cousin Rajan hatten das Unternehmen 1985 gegründet und haben es 1995 auf der BSE aufgeführt. Während Nahoosh große Träume für das Geschäft hatte, war Rajan nicht so scharf, also während noch auf dem Urlaub Nahoosh8217s drei Freunde beschlossen, dass sie kaufen würden Rajan und Unterstützung Nahoosh8217s aggressive Wachstumspläne. In den folgenden fünf Jahren, bis wir von dieser Firma zu hören kamen, hatte Nahoosh exponentiell seine Produktionskapazität von 8.000 bis 45.000 metrischen Tonnen pro Jahr erwachsen. Es ist ein Oleo Chemikalien-Unternehmen. Oleo-Chemikalien sind weitgehend Chemikalien, die aus pflanzlichen oder tierischen Fettsäuren stammen, die zur Herstellung von genießbaren Produkten und nicht genießbaren Produkten verwendet werden können. In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Produktion von Oleo-Chemikalien von der U. S. Europe und Japan in die asiatischen Länder wegen der lokalen Verfügbarkeit der wichtigsten Rohstoffe bewegt. Es nimmt eine einzigartige Nische in diesem großen globalen Spielfeld ein. Es hat eine hauseigene Technologie entwickelt, die Maschinen verwendet, die von führenden europäischen Unternehmen hergestellt werden, um Abfälle zu verarbeiten, die bei der Herstellung von Soja, Sonnenblumen, Mais und Baumwollöl zu wertvollen Chemikalien entstehen. Diese Chemikalien schließen Säuren ein, die in nicht-essbare Produkte wie Seife, Reinigungsmittel, Körperpflegeprodukte und - farben und andere Produkte, die in der Herstellung von Gesundheit Nahrungsmitteln und Vitamin E benutzt werden, gehen. Die company8217s Kunden umfassen bedeutende multinationale Firmen einschließlich BASF, Bogenschütze Daniels Midland, Cargill, Advanced Organic Materials, IFFCO Chemicals und Asian Paints. Co betreibt aus einer einzigen Anlage in Ahmedabad. Es hat die größte Verarbeitungskapazität für natürliche Weichöl-basierte Fettsäuren in Indien. In den vergangenen zehn Jahren ist der Umsatz um 23 pro Jahr auf 27 Millionen angewachsen, und das Ergebnis nach Steuern ist um 30 Prozent auf 2,3 Millionen gestiegen. Am 8. Februar 2016 haben wir 45 Stakes von den drei Freunden von Nahoosh und anderen Aktionären erworben Rupien 212 (3,12) je Aktie. Meine zwei Cent: Ein enormes skalierbares Geschäft mit hohen Eintrittsbarrieren. Gegenwärtige Gegenwinde bietet eine Chance für ein Leben für Wertsuchenden, die das Kapital in den nächsten 5 Jahren multiplizieren möchten. Btw: Wir sind auf der Suche nach interessanten Dienstleistungen, die nur für langfristige Investoren gedacht sind. Interessierte Jungs pls Mail an arunsharemarketgmail für Details. Auch können Sie whatsapp dip bei 9007652301. Glücklich investieren Leute. Seminare und Workshops: Bis zu 8 Stunden Investoren Workshop an Orten wie Delhi, Hyderbad und Kolkata in den kommenden 3 Wochen. Machen Sie eine Post an arunsharemarketgmail, wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, ein Teil davon zu sein. Im letzten Mumbai-Workshop wurden die Themen von Jute diskutiert und Cheviot zitierte übrigens bei etwa 700 an. Lässt Stift, was mich in dieser Firma angezogen hat. Anmerkung: Diese Tage sind ziemlich viel mit den Workshops und Seminaren beschäftigt, die wir mit Pan India haben. Die neueste Venture Share Bazaar Android App war ein großer Hit mit fast 30000 Downloads in den letzten Monaten. Blogs sind wegen technologischer Fortschritte und damit der Entscheidung, alles in der App zu migrieren, veraltet. Laden Sie die App Jungs, wenn Sie noch nicht getan haben. Suchen Sie weiter Bazaar Arun im Spielladen. Zitat: Cheviot Company ist eines der Hauptbeispiele eines Unternehmens, das viel Geld aus grünen Fasern und soliden Investitionen macht. Harsh Vardhan Kanoria hat Gold aus einer Industrie geschaffen, auf der die Sonne buchstäblich mit der Abreise der Briten gesetzt hatte Im Jahr 1947. Heute, mit seinen Verarbeitungseinheiten und einem Umsatz über Rs 265 crore, macht Cheviot Company mehr Geld aus Jute und seine Corporate Investments, in einem Jahr, als die meisten Unternehmen jemals in ihrem Leben. Während Kolkata kann eine andere halten Bedeutung für verschiedene Leute, für die gegenwärtigen Besitzer von Cheviot - die Kanoria Familie, die Sonne, die niemals auf Jute eingestellt ist, sogar mit dem Zusammenbruch des britischen Reiches. Einleitung: Cheviot Company Limited (CCL), die im Jahre 1897 gegründet wurde, ist die Flaggschiff-Gesellschaft der Cheviot-Gruppe, die Interessen in der Jute-, Tee-und Leder-Unternehmen hat. CCL produziert hochwertiges Jute-Garn und Gewebe, wie z. B. präzisionsgewickeltes feines Jutegarn, Sacktuch, hessisches Tuch und Taschen, Sackbeutel (zum Verpacken von Nahrungsmittelkörnern und anderen verwandten Zwecken) und überlegenes hessisches Tuch. Angespornt von Herrn H. V. Kanoria, unter dessen Führung die Gruppe vorbildliche Leistung Jahr für Jahr gezeigt hat. Er ist ein bedeutender Industrieller mit 40 Jahren langjähriger Erfahrung im Umgang mit Jute, Tee und Leder. Das Unternehmen wagte sich auch in neue Produktkategorien, indem es in seinen bestehenden Produktlinien Jute-Einkaufstaschen hinzufügte. Das Unternehmen bietet sowohl die Export - als auch die Inlandsmärkte an. Es hat zwei Produktionseinheiten in Westbengalen: eine in Budge Budge und eine in der Falta Special Economic Zone (exportorientierte Einheit). Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Taschen: Die Nachfrage nach grünen Produkten Jute Waren wie Gartengeräte, Einkaufstaschen, Geo-Textil, Zellstoff und Papier, Heimtextilien, Bodenbeläge und Vliesstoffe ist bei den Verbrauchern8217 auf dem internationalen Markt sehr hoch Aufgrund des wachsenden Bewusstseins über die Umwelt. Von diesen Produkten sind jute-made Einkaufstaschen jetzt die meistverkauften Artikel. Viele Länder wie die USA (USA) und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (UAE) sind bereits für den Ersatz von Plastik-Einkaufstüten von Jute-Einkaufstüten gegangen. Die Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Taschen steigt auch in Westeuropa, Australien, Mittlerer Osten, Asien und Afrika. Die globale Marktgröße von Jute-Einkaufstüten wird in den kommenden Tagen 500 Milliarden Stücke sein, was sieben Millionen Tonnen Jute-Produkte entspricht, da die Bemühungen darauf bestehen, die Verwendung von Polyäthylen - oder Kunststoffmaterialien auf der ganzen Welt völlig zu stoppen Nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt. Faser der Zukunft: Komposit - und Verbundwerkstoffe aus künstlichen Fasern (d. H. Glasfaser, Kohlefaser etc.) sind bereits als Produkte für den Verbraucher und industrielle Anwendungen erhältlich. Jute ist eine solche Naturfaser, die die Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt reduzieren kann. Es ist in Hülle und Fülle, stark und wird zunehmend als die 8220Faser der Zukunft8221 bezeichnet. Jute gefüllte PP-Composites werden heute erfolgreich für verschiedene Komponenten und Materialien eingesetzt. Indien ist nach wie vor weitgehend eine Agrarwirtschaft, die eine massive Beschäftigung in ländlichen Gebieten für eine schnell wachsende Bevölkerung generieren muss. Technologische Durchbrüche wie Jute-gefüllte PP-Verbindungen zeigen den Weg für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Massen, indem sie modernste Technik und Forschung mit Bargeldkulturen heiraten, um ländlichen und industriellen Wohlstand zu schaffen. Neuer Fortschritt in der Jute-Verbindung: Bengaluru-basierte STEER macht neue Fortschritte in Jute-Compounds, die bei der Verwendung von Fasern in Automobilteilen (unter der Haube), Gehäuse-Baustoffen oder sogar mikrowellengeeigneten Kochbehältern helfen können. Diese neue Verbindung kann nicht nur auf dem Jute-Sektor, sondern auch die gesamte indische Wirtschaft, indem sie eine riesige Marktchance eröffnen, Jute-Polymere, um eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit für neue Sonnenaufgang-Industrie zu schaffen, die Schaffung von Tausenden von Arbeitsplätzen in Westbengalen, Orissa und Bihar. Die Popularisierung der Jute-Polymere wird voraussichtlich dazu beitragen, einen großen Schub für die Regierung8217s machen in Indien Kampagne, durch die Popularisierung neuer Nutzung von Jute in anderen Sektoren, so stimuliert industrielle Aktivität. Jute polymers are certain to greatly benefit the jute industry with its ability to transform the traditional use of jute for modern day products, thus, touching human lives. Advantage over Bangladesh :India and Bangladesh together accounts for the 95 of worlds jute production. The cost of producing quality yarn is 40 per cent higher in Bangladesh than in India because of the technological disadvantages. India has set up composite jute mills with modern machinery and technologies for production of fabrics, dyeing or lamination under one roof. Bangladesh has nearly 250 jute mills, but none of them has the dyeing and lamination facilities, which are essential to producing diversified products, according to exporters. Potential for an anti-dumping tax: Around 125 lakh bales of jute sacks are needed just to package crop seeds in India. Indian jute mills can produce only 25 lakh bales of jute. The Indian Jute Mill Association (IJMA) has already pleaded for an anti-dumping tax in case Bangladeshi goods enter India. The Indian jute commission is considering the plea, and is soon to give a decision about it. This decision is aiming provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners which is a very big positive as there are barely few survivors in the industry. Jute Particle Board: They are used as substitutes for wood. The availability of the technologies for producing particleboards and its high socio-economic value are arguments in favour of the future development of this product. The use of wood in house construction, furniture, etc. is slowly being discouraged due to environmental reasons. The use of jute particle board as a substitute has been found to be quite acceptable both in terms of quality and price. Strong Financial Risk Profile: CRISILs ratings on the bank facilities of Cheviot Co Ltd (CCL) continue to reflect CCLs strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth, low reliance on external debt and strong liquidity. The ratings also factor in the strong business risk profile, with an established market position in the jute industry, a diversified product profile, and a wide distribution network. Jute has always been a dull and boring sector. However, several positive advancement drew my attention to this sector. Several innovations ranging from diversified uses of Jute and Jute compounds (as discussed above) implies a turning tables for this sector. Also there has been a rise in demand for jute products all across the globe. Several countries have already banned use of plastic bags in their grocery markets and shopping malls. Thus, demand has been projected to increase 50 times within next five years if the eco-friendly trend continues. Potential for an anti-dumping tax which is a game changer, would provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners as there are barely few players in the industry. Recently MD of Gloster (one of the leading Jute players) emphasized in an interview that this is a 8216golden period8217 for the jute industry with several sectoral tailwinds. He guided a robust rise in export demand in coming quarters. He also said that the upcoming quarters will see a very sleek growth which they have never seen before. Concerns: Adverse regulatory changes in the jute industry may impact the top line and thus the regulatory risk would always prevail. Revenues coming in from exports have been a significant rise in past several quarters, fluctuations in currency can pose a threat. Also the RM prices which is Raw jute been on a recent upswing which can put pressure on its margins. Financials: Company over the past 5 years have grown its topline and bottomline at a CAGR of 8 and 13 respectively. But the half yearly results of 2015-16 presents an entirely different picture where the company has delivered an impressive sales growth of 25 to register a figure of 150crs vs 120crs. Profits have more than doubled to 23crs vs 11crs. The third quarter numbers probably should be the best since its inception. Conclusion: I liked Cheviot for its attractive valuations (in terms of EV) along with strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth and low reliance on external debt. It has huge investments and cash on book worth Rs. 200 Cr and it8217s almost debt free. Thus, on EV basis it is available at a very reasonable price. Currently it is quoting at a 6 forward PE and given the tailwinds even a meagre rerating up to 10 PE would make it move way higher. Promoters are owning 75 stake of the company. CCL has also been very generous with its consistent 20 dividend pay-out policy in past 5 years. So even dividends will be 2x with 100 rise in bottom line. Also, CCL doesn8217t needs any capex and has huge reserves so one can expect another bonus due to low equity base. (Last bonus was in 2006).There are very few listed players in Jute industry in India. All are with very tiny equities and limited floating stock. So even average accumulation can make them run into circuits. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have Cheviot in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. After the launch of my Share Bazaar android app, the workload has increased many a times. Hardly theres any time to do blogging. As you all know the app has been a huge hit with downloads been nearly 25000 in a very small time. For the uninitiated, to download-go to play store and search Share Bazaar Arun. Do give your reviews and ratings folks. Microsec Financial Services AGM Notes (QampA) E-commerce Divisions:- 1. Are we planning to raise Private Equity for both our E-Commerce division Ans: We were anxious when we started both e-com divisions but in retrospect we believe it was one of the greatest decision we ever made. Usually in a typical e-commerce start up, it takes huge amount of cash burning to achieve a GMV of 100crs but we are aiming to achieve that feet by remaining debt free. We are going to set a benchmark by achieving this only from a single state in India (West Bengal) which has been unprecedented in the world of E-commerce. And yes we are looking to raise money for both the verticals. 2. What is the USP of our E-com Services Will ban on selling online medicine(if at all happens) affect us Ans: The USP of the company is our last mile delivery where 99 of the logistics costs are borne by the franchises. (Company gave the examples of newspaper where the logistics costs are Zero.) We dont sell prescribed drugs online. Sastasundar forwards the lead to its offline brickampmortar franchisehealthbuddies and they deliver the order to the customer. Its just a lead generation medium. 3. As medspa, Apollo pharmacy, netmeds, pm ventures are all in the same business as Sastasunder, What are we doing to thwart competition Ans: Competition makes business and the arena is too large. The retail pharmacy market is worth over 70000crs and theres a room for everyone to have their own pie. 4. We are entering Karnataka. What would be the strategy Are we also entering other states Ans: Strategy is to repeat what we are doing in Kolkata. Sastasundar will further expand in Mumbai and other big cities by 2016. 5. In medicine distribution we need large inventories. Even we supply the inventory to our franchise owners. How are we playing it Are we ready for addition in future debt Ans: Company is against too much debt however we may need some for taking care of our WC requirements. 6. What is the ratio of repeat customers to new customers What are we doing to retain our old customers Ans: Repeat Customers contribute to 75 of the present top line. Company is taking all initiatives to retain its existing customers. 7. What is the credit cycle from where we procure the medicines Ans: (Didnt gave a clear answer but hinted of a good credit cycle once they garner in big volumes) 8. How many franchises we have till date What is out average franchise revenue What is the number of franchise we are looking to add over the coming few years Ans: 87 in total, 81 franchise and 6 company owned stores. Company looking to appoint more franchises. Aims for a number of 225 within the next fiscal. 9. What is the ebitda margin we will have after counting for 15 discounts and 8 commission to franchises How can we compete with the retail pharmacist stores Ans: Our medicine distribution margins are 30. The retail pharmacist averages margin of around 20. So theres nothing to worry on that front. Sastasundar makes around 7. 10. How many brands are attached with foreseegames as on date Ans: Its around 120 and yes the target is to tieup with 500 brands ASAP. 11. We brag about 11 lakh users in foresee then why is the revenue is not even 50 lakhs Ans: Foreseegame will see increased monetization from Brand partners going forward, however current strategy is more focused on acquiring more brand partners. 12. Foreseegame itself is engaging but the worst part is we have just 33k likes Facebook on user base of 1.1 million. Why arent we looking at it One of our peer latestone came into the arena much later yet they have 7-8 lakh fans in no time and increasing at a rapid speed. Ans: (The Company appreciated the fact and promised to look into the issue at the earliest.) 13. Why arent we marketing enough We dont see foresee ads in TVs. They are nowhere. We havent even done a SEO, let alone AdWords. Nobody can see us if they Google up online games. Why is it so Ans: Not fond of marketing in the television world. SEO and other needed necessities are actively looked upon which will help the company to increase its users. 14. Have we got a break even target in our verticals When we will break even in e-com verticals Ans: Company looking to break even by fy17-18. Both e-com verticals are exceeding expectations as of now. 15. Do we make profit from every transaction What is the ratio of our private level biz to the medicine biz What is the margin we make from our private biz Ans: We are making profit from most transactions, if not all. The ratio is hardly much to talk about as of now. Private level business margins around 50. 16. What about our recent launches: chef on and others Are we seeing any traction What has been the acceptance of our customers Ans: Chefon: the made to order segment has seen immediate traction after its recent launch. Company is getting 400-500 enquires on a daily basis. 17. In Foreseegame we often provide Sastasunder currency to our game buddies which in turn inflates the topline. Out of 21crs topline in Sastasunder, what has been its contribution last fiscal Ans: That is less than half a percent of the total turnover. 18. Any revenue guidance for foresee and Sastasunder in the present fiscal Next year 17 and by 2020 Ans: Foreseegame should more than double its turnover this year. Sastasundars GMV should be heading to 100crs within the next few quarters. 19. Zapak games recently got valued at 1000crs, be it alexa rank or minutes spend in the site it8217s beneath foreseegame by every standard. Are we looking to unlock value by divesting a stake Ans: Lot of offers from private equity. Foreseegame will dilute in favour of a private equity to unlock value. Should be done at a good valuation. 20. Ironically whenever we announce our results, we see our stock being hammered owing to higher losses. Would we see the same in future Ans: (We aren8217t bothered about stock prices or market cap. The company is in a solid footing and with time, the right valuation should definitely chip in.) Financial Services Division:- 21. It8217s been quite a while since the demergerdivestment news was announced by the company. When is it actually happening Ans: Our core was finance and its a pretty emotional decision to hive off the same. However, we believe in being ahead of the time and hence will soon do what8217s best for the business. 22. We have a capital employed of over 100crs in the financial vertical. We have got large holdings running worth several Crs. We did a PAT of 10crs. Its a brand with intangibles adding up to a good few Crs. Tailwinds are blowing with few recent brokerage deals. Sudhir Valia acquiring fortune financial at 35crs and Sudip banerjee buying out JRG sec at 100crs. So we should get a good valuation right Ans: (They appreciated the fact and hinted about a good deal coming soon. Fathoming the body language, it seems like they will just sell the finance arm rather than demerging it as the full focus is on ECOM.) 23. Presuming we will sell out the Financial Services Division as admitted by Mr mittal earlier, how are we going to deploy that money Would it be fully on Ecom Or can there be a special onetime dividend Ans: As of now we are not in favour of a dividend as the stock price would just adjust it immediately. The money received would be deployed in the ECOM ventures. 24. Promoters own 71 in the company as on date, bit below the max permissible limit of 75. Why arent you buying out the rest This fiscal year the promoters hardly bought anything. Ans: Microsec is the only stock we acquired in last few years. We desire to own the maximum permissible limit of 75 soon. 25. We had an internal target of achieving a billion dollar market cap by 2020. How achievable does it look under the present juncture. Ans: Futile to discuss about market cap at the present juncture. We believe in long term wealth generation for the stakeholders. 26. Is there any chances of selling out fully provided we get an extravagant offer, at a much premium to the present price Ans: No chances of selling out in the next 5 years. What I Perceive: Finance business to be sold soon and then in due course would be demerged in two separate companies. Sastasundar and Foresee to be separately listed in the future. P. s:Please refrain from asking buyingselling stuff. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have MICROSEC in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. Subscription to ArunthestocksguruLast Updated 2017-01-08 by Martin Kay 24Option, founded in 2009, is a true binary options pioneer. 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd. Rodeler Ltd is a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) license number 20713. The companys registered office is located in Limassol, Cyprus CY-4103 at 39 Kolonakiou Street, FREMA PLAZA, First Floor, Ayios Athanasios. On top of the CySEC licence, 24Option (Rodeler Ltd) is also registered with the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 04122013 and Rodeler BaFin in Germany. Outside the European Economic area, the services of 24Option (24option) are offered by Richfield Capital Limited, a company that belongs to the same group as Rodeler Limited and is regulated by The International Financial Services Commission Of Belize (number IFSC60440TS15-16 ). Is 24Option a Scam 24Option is NOT a scam. 24Option was regulated in 2013. under the CySec regulation. That means that the money deposited to the provider is safe. For more Information about Binary Options Regulation see the link provided. 24Option regulation is of course the main reason why 24Option was gladly added to the list of non-scam brokers, however, and dont get me wrong - just because a broker is regulated, it doesnt mean that it doesnt suck As our readers already know, there are more than one binary options brokers that suck, despite being regulated. Fortunately, that isnt the sole reason 24Option was added to our list of non-scam brokers 24Option has a great user-interface and the trading process and the overall navigating are simply great. The trading process is easy to use and the live charts are available by clicking on the asset. If a trader wants to examine the asset more closely, (s)he doesnt need to browse to other pages a click on the asset tab will pop out a small window just above the asset with information by Yahoo and other sources. These great advantages of 24Option made this company one of the best binary options brokers out there. 24Option has improved a LOT since they were founded, the platform has been re-designed, number of assets has increased and staying up to date seems to be their ambition. The broker has always maintained an above average traffic to their website and this further goes to show that they are a legit company, doing business in a professional manner. The traffic for scam brokers tends to go down when people realize they are being played, so the increasing traffic for 24Option is another indication they are not a scam. Editors Note - Why 24Option DOESNT Suck in 50 Words Some Binary Options brokers are just a Scam, some just Suck. 24Option is a member of the exclusive list of brokers considered to be highly respected and truly inspiring. Thanks to CySEC regulation we can revoke any suspicion of a scam by 24Option and an attractive easy-to-use trading platform with a good customer service makes 24Option a user friendly prime and trusted broker. After so many years in the industry (they were one of the first brokers to emerge on the binary options scene), we can safely say they proved their worth and have become a trustworthy partner for traders and investors all over the world. Why does 24Option Suck in 50 Words The first issue comes to mind is actually bad news for US customers 24Option no longer serve US clients due to Regulation in the EU. Funny how good news to EU clients is less good for US clients. Someone said EURUSD Another thing that I really dont want to address to as an issue is since 24Option became fully regulated the average return decreased with 2. However, the regulation itself is a big plus. Also, 24Option still offers returns as high as 88 so I cant really say this is an issue Should I Open an Account with 24Option Since their launch, 24Options innovative, fully web-based platform kept on growing slowly but smartly, providing investors with the proper and simplest tools needed to trade options: great user-interface, the trading process is easy to understand and the live charts are available by clicking on the asset. If a trader wants to examine the asset more closely, (s)he doesnt need to browse to other pages a simple click on the asset tab will pop out a small window just above the asset with information by Yahoo and other sources. These great advantages of 24Option made this company one of the best binary options brokers out there. 24Option has improved since they were founded, the platform has been re-designed, number of assets has increased and staying up to date seems to be their ambition. There are more than 100 assets for traders to choose from and the TechFinancial platform used by 24Option makes it easy to keep things organized. I actually found this platform much easy to use than most other platforms. Once you get used to it, the TechFinancials platform provides a better solution for most types of investors - those who trade around the clock in a matter of seconds (I call those crazy investors the high risk high profits type), and those who prefer trade more conservative. Both types of investors will find the very attractive In-the-Money return extremely satisfying - up to 88 in-the-money and the possibility of closing a trade before expiry to secure profits. The average returns are satisfying, but keep in mind they change depending on market conditions and volatility. Also never forget that investors can lose all their capital as well. These attractive returns are among the leading number in the Binary Options industry. The only downside is the relatively high minimum investment (approximately 24 for most assets, but unlike most other binary options brokers the minimum investments change from asset to asset), which could limit beginners. Nevertheless, 24Option provide a demo so beginners could first trade virtual money and only then invest for real. Another slight downside concerned with beginners is the above average minimum deposit (250). I usually prefer brokers who accept lower minimum deposit amounts, but in 24Option case, I can definitely say that its worth it, due to 24Option regulation. Recently 24Option have become official partners with Juventus Football Club and this adds to their credibility and high profile. Yea, 24Option is a top shelf well respected broker but additional confirmation never hurts so if youre a soccer fan and a binary options fan, youre in for a treat. Oh almost forgot: if youre a tennis fan youll be happy to know that Boris Becker and 24Option currently bring you a competition with the possibility to win 100,000 USD. So get your trading fingers ready because its not gonna last forever. Be aware, investors can lose all their capital. Their great customer service makes 24Option a warmer home to Binary Options traders, not to mention the regulation, which is a great advantage on its own. 24Option allows the traders to invest as much as 100,000 in one single trade, this means that this broker has no problem paying out high returns. To make things more interesting, 24Option offers prize money (up to 100 000) to the top traders of the week 24Option Broker Complaints Binaryoptionsthatsuck do the research for you We8217re looking for broker8217s complaints all over the web, checking them out and bringing the results to our readers. What we did is really simple 8211 we searched on Google for 24option complaints or 24options fraud, scams, Etc. you can try it also. Its unbelievable but we couldn8217t find even one real complaint about 24option. Here8217s what we found: First and foremost, there8217s an active discussion concerning 24Option on comments section, Complaint and Reviews Center and on Forum. Every complaint we receive is being checked and monitored by the team and I. overall, I feel most negative feedback8217s addressing issues in withdrawal are not bona fide. It8217s a common reaction comes from either angry or frustrated traders, but doesn8217t reflects the truth. Most honest complaints are resolved by the company, so I think it8217s fair to say I don8217t see major issues here. As of late, weve seen users complain that French and Japanese customers are not accepted anymore. This is due to regulation in those respective countries and its actually a positive thing that 24Option chooses to respect the legislation (weve seen brokers that continue to offer their services without proper authorization and this only taints their name). 24Option Regulatory Announcements and Warnings 29072016: French regulator Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF) banned 24Option from operating in France. The authority stated that In this case, it appeared that the Rodeler Limited provider did not comply, in France, with some of its obligations of providing correct information, as well as acting fairly and honestly, in the best interest of its customers, to the detriment of investors residing or established in France. See warning AMF 24Option Bonus Bonus Bonus and bonus, everyone wants a bonus at 24option they have a bonus system that I really like: For example, if you deposit 5,000 USD and then receive a 70 bonus (thats 3,500USD), you have to reach a trading volume of 50 times the bonus (not 50 times bonus deposit amount like other brokers require). So your bonus will be earned as soon as you reach one hundred and seventy-five thousand USD in trading volume (3,50050175,000) An earned bonus is fully available for use in trading and it may be withdrawn. We strongly recommend you check their Bonus Terms And Conditions. 24Option Withdrawal Most sites will tell you how to deposit. At binaryoptionsthatsuck we are not worried about that, because thats always easy here we care about possibly the most important part of binary options Withdrawing your profits. Brokers dont usually cause problems when you want to depositing money, but some binary options brokers will cause problems when you want to withdraw. At 24Option there is no maximum limit on the amount that you can withdraw (some brokers do limit) and the minimum is 10 USD (very low). It takes between 3-7 business days to withdraw your profit using Moneybookers speeds up the withdrawal process and the fees will be lower. VIP-accounts dont pay any fees for withdrawals which is amazing Just remember that you need to send proper documents due to the regulation before you request your money to be transferred to your account. 24Option Extras Some traders are looking for the extras in each broker, here at BOTS we try to think different. This section is about what8217s different in 24Option, what makes 24Option different then other brokers. The Extras that we liked the most in 24options are the: 5 hour videos Education is important 24 options is brining you videos that every beginner will love Free webinars, trade with a pro Highest Limits (withdrawal) 8211 Very important factor that some traders are not aware of, at 24options you will find the highest limits, read more about it in Binary Options Trading Limits. Longevity and trust. This is now one of the biggest brokers in the world but also one of the oldest and most trusted. Free signal package available on the trading platform. 24Option Ratings 24Option platform is based 100 web based Tech platform, with no need for any software to be downloaded. 24Option website appearance is far the best Ive seen so far. The black background with the gold letters design is very modern and elegant. Live information about the asset and other charts are provided within a simple click on an asset and appears just above. The FAQ section and glossary are complete and up-to-date. 24Option website is available in no less than 12 different languages including English, German, Spanish, Arabic and many more. No. of Assets and Expiry time 1820 Total of 131 assets: 61 stocks, 34 currency pairs, 11 commodities, 25 indices. 24Option variety of assets is vast. The expiry times are great letting the traders choose anywhere from 60seconds, 120 seconds, 5 minutes then every 5 minutes up to end of day, week or month. Commissions, Support and Effective return 1820 24Option dont charge any fees or commissions from investors when they first deposit or purchase options and the first withdrawal is free. Withdrawals via Wire transfer are charged with a 30. Gold account holders get one free withdrawal per calendar month but for Platinum account holders every withdrawal is free. 24Option support is available via 21 international numbers - in English, French, Italian and Spanish and more or via email. The live chat service was very quick and polite. The effective return is among the highest in the industry 70-88 in the money with an 82 average return for most major currency pairs, but have in mind that investors can lose all their capital as well by trading binary options. There is no Out-of-Money refund but you can close your position from 2 minutes after purchase up to 5 minutes before it expires. Deposit, Payment and Bonus 1820 24Option Minimum deposit is average 25025025050,000 or 10,000. Deposit is available via C. C. Wire transfer, Cash-U, MoneyBookers and many more. Withdrawals are generally available via the same methods, with a minimum of 100 for wire withdrawals. There is no minimum withdrawal amount using Moneybookers. 24Option usually offer a bonus of up to 100, however, from time to time 24Option offer great specials and promotions for new and registered costumers. Bonus terms and conditions apply. 24Option innovative platform features some new extras and now also includes inside platform signals. The signals vary in strength and suggest the direction that the asset is likely to take but expiry time is up to the trader to decide. Except of the regular HighLow trading, 24Option has another two more ways to trade - One touch option, lets the trader decide whether he thinks an assets will touch a certain value before expiration time or not, usually for weekend trading. The second extra is the Boundary option for a 75 return per successful trade. 24Option Overall Rating: 91 Regulation Factor (3) 94100 Join 24option NOW and receive Exclusive promotions VIP welcome Glad I came up on this site while doing my research to find a reputable Binary Options broker. You guys are do great work I will sign up with 24Option, I only hope that as a US citizen, I will be able to trade currencies. Some Binary Options brokers won8217t allow US Citizens to trade currencies. Hi guys, has anyone made profit and withdrawn from this company. This is the MOST important thing for me, after reading reveiws and some shocking feedback on you tube, choosing the right broker is the key. Gret website :) Same here. Would be interested to hear from serious traders. Has anyone has been successful withdrawing funds after few months of trading at 24options Any genuine success stories would be good to hear. All I8217ve come across so far is not all that reassuring. Lots and lots of marketing info but no success stories so far. Need some certainty that I can trust this broker. They8217ve only been in business 2 years. How can I be certain they will be around in another 2 years if I choose to trade on their platform That8217s the real concern. Bravo to both 24option and this site owner. Although a brokers past performance is not a guarantee to its future performance but the answer lets give a try to 24option. I too want to thank this Site. I spent about a month looking at everything, finally settled on 24Options. They are by far the best. Live training on weds. jetzt. Training on Sundays for first timers who have no idea what they are looking at. And the best looking platform, very easy to follow along. You will have a mentor who will send you files to learn from as well as the many learning tools already on site. They have about 7 Americans working in Support also. Yes, you can trade Currency. And so you know I don8217t work for them, I lost my 250. but I can8217t wait to do it again. There IS a learning curve. Another trick, Win and get out. You start thinking you know what you8217re doing. Spent time watching also. Find out where something has been can tell you where it might go. Markets tend to have a Action, then a RE action, then a correction. Spotting when one is about to happen is key. I8217d be happy to take a referral bonus too. Great site very informative for us novices, most of the bad publicity posted against 24Option is started by 8220the scam artists8221 in an attempt to 8220confuse amp catch8221 a would be 8220newbie8221 waiting to sign up with a trading platform, thankfully this site exists to point us in the right directionDo your homework, paper trade, again amp again amp again, find YOUR stratergy with a half descent return amp don8217t gambleThanks again for such agreat site guysWould be nice to have a 8220tools8221 section to download things like 8220option Bot8221 or charts but I guess these can be googled anyway Good luck traders I opened up an account and they were very aggressive in having me deposit the 250. Once I did they sent me links to webinars and such and it was all good. They said their customer service is here to help me 247. I started doing some trading and then decided to do some 60-second trading and I was doing well. However, there were a total of three instances where the timing was not exactly sixty seconds. One went from 7-4-0, second, went from 4-1-0, third went from 6-3-0. A fourth ended on the even line and the screen froze on that line, so I should have gotten the money back, but when it completed, it showed one-one-thousand of one point below. Unreal So, I complained and heard no return from them. One week went by and still nothing. I emailed Annie and Lori and both did not reply. They are my account managers OK So, I called and a Steve answered and said Annie was out to lunch and he would leave her a message and I also asked for voicemail and did not get anything. One more week went by and Lori replied back that my emails were going into her 8216Junk8217 email and did not see them. I find this difficult to believe. She said she would find out the issue and get back to me in 24 hours. It8217s been another week and no responses. 24option is a fantastic looking and functioning platform, but when you lose money they don8217t wish to respond. I think they are a scam at this point because I refuse to continue to trade if they don8217t look into a serious issue such as this. Do not trust them I report back if they handle this, but it doesn8217t look like they will. Update on 24option. The company finally contacted me back on this issue of the options traded for 60 seconds and I8217ll cut down to the chase. They offered a bonus as a refund so not to exchange money which was correct to do and they offered their apology and I accepted. Things happens and I was promised it won8217t happen again. So, we8217ll give it a go again and I am happy to report that so far, I am satisfied now with their support and their system. I did state that almost 3 weeks was too long to allow ANY REQUEST to go untouched because it damages good faith. I think we can now attempt to manage this and move on. They have my support. Great job 24option. Update on my situation8230my withdrawal was processed and i received my funds. However regarding the system freezing and causing me to lose trades by a pip or 2 when it8217s clearly in the money hasnt been addressed, all they can come back with is that 8220but you have also won some trades by a pip or 28221 Today i had the same trouble, i had a 50 trade on the USDJPY it was definitely in the money by 2 PIPS and they ended it with a tie, which at least they gave me my money i am finding a few seconds BEFORE the expiry, i am AUTOMATICALLY logged out of my account when i place a trade 8211 this however doesnt happen when there are no trades placed. I have emailed my account manager and waiting on a return email but with everything happening i think they are a scam more than ever and am thinking of withdrawing completely from them and let them be as they are the biggest scam you can have. Watch out people8230. perfect website for new trader and can use Liberty Reserve, so nice for me. I have been doing a lot of research because obviously no one wants to be scammed. After going thru all websites to confirm what I read here, I believe its a good time to give 24option a try. I will start this week and will be a pleasure to let you know all details. Its worth to mention that I already opended an account and Mr. Roberto Echeverry contacted me already, so lets see8230 by the way, thanks to the owner of this site to help us out with all this info. IB fees are great. IB charts and trdnaig features are clumsy and pretty much suck. On my monitors their candles often overlap and you can8217t even adjust candle with, or spacing. Ninja is a great compliment to IB. I lost some good money due to the clumsiness of the IB TWS platform. With Ninja, it never happens. I deposited 20,000 into a Platinum Account at 24Options. The Platinum Account allows you to make 4 more than a regular account. Nachdem ich in der Nähe von 300 gewann, zog ich meine Gelder ohne Schwierigkeiten zurück. They wired it back into my account. I8217m happy with 24Options on all levels. The site looks really nice but the inability of the representative on the Live Chat to answer anything I asked, as well as taking a very long time to input their responses gives me reason enough to avoid this broker. If this is how they treat potential clients, I8217m scared to be a real client of theirs. Hmm I like 24option it was very simple and any one can easily understands the trades but when it comes to touch no touch option I found something fishy because initially you were seeing one value when you decide to investing on any button the target value is changing by 10points. You may thought price may changed but actually it doesn8217t change8230 They were changing the target value so guys please have a look carefully while trading with touch no touch option. thanks guys for your good information Hello to all. I8217ve been trading for over a year with 24option. I think thay are improving a lot. I put 200, then 1300 extra to get to be advised by a special trader. After a few wins I withdrew everything ok, leaving 700 profit money on the account. Last august I jumped to reach the 89 pay out putting another 10000. Since then I8217m trading at 1000trade. Got to tak out my deposit before christmas, no problem and since then 18000 with n difficulty. The only issue with 24option is the 8220price has changed8221 pop up window which is a real annoyance if you are following a strict strategy. I loose between 4 and 6 WINS per week and it SUCKS. If only they could be on Spotoption platform instead of Techfinancial, it would be a dream Anywy they are trustful and very helpful when anything goes wrong (a few freezes arrive alright) Withdrawal was not as easy as they claim. I was refused withdrawal because they claimed they did not have enough proof of my identity. I provided them with passport, driver8217s ID, cell phone bill, bank statement, photo copy of debit card with blacked out number except last 4 digits. They claim this was not good enough and wanted more info. Then later claimed that they coudn8217t read the info and wanted to re-send the info. This went on and on for weeks, then one day all funds where gone and they claimed I losted it in 60 sec trading which I never used. Yesterday 18Mar2013 they sent me an e-mail for their promotion of 75 Bonus upon deposit. I clicked the link on my e-mail that they sent and it redirected me to their platform. After I logged-in, a pop up message appears where it says 8220Your 75 bonus is waiting8230click OK to claim8221 So I deposited 250 and expecting that the 75 bonus will be added8230and guess what It didn8217t. I immediately initiated a chat with their agent..and said to me that my account manager will call the account manager called me up..and explained that in able to claim the bonus, I have to deposit at least minimum of 5008230GGRRRRRR8230but that term 500 is NOT mentioned at all in their e-mail promotion. Hi John, I8217m afraid that the 500 min deposit IS mentioned. I also trade with 24Option and received the same email8230several actually8230.and the 500 min is noted in the small print at the bottom it8217s smaller print than the rest of the email but it IS there. Some many reviews and i still can8217t make up my mind if it8217s a scam or not. I have very profitable 60 sec system but can8217t find a legit broker that wouldn8217t give any slippage or other fishy stuff. Hi Hugecat, If you have a profitable 60 sec system, I8217d love to hear about it. o))) Also, could you explain what you mean about slippage I trade with this broker and like them. Like every broker, when you click 8220Buy8221 there is a 2 sec period where you can cancel the trade, then the trade is confirmed. I don8217t know any broker that doesn8217t have this, if this is what you mean. If not, would love to hear from you. maybe your 60sec system is not so great after all, if you can8217t deal with slippage 24optin is a scam, FRAUD dont work with them, if you want to be scamed go for it, its your money and lets see if bynariotionsthatsuck put my comment, if not, is because they are from the same scam, anothers forums its going to knew about it. Hi Carlos, How is this broker a scam I use them and they seem just fine. If you know for sure how they are being inappropriate or fradulent, I8217d really want to know, and so would many other people, so please share. I hope you8217re able to see my comment and avoid any investment losses. If you8217ve been a profitable trader in your investment career (especially a legitimate and 8220quite8221 experienced trader), chances are sooner or later (likely after you traded with them for several months) 24option will declare your account 8220fraudulent8221 and close it without any notice using 8220management-level decisions8221, excuses like 8220your credit card is fraudulent8221 (but you just successfully booked your air ticket, hotels or did some online shopping with it) or 8220The IDs you provided cannot be verified8221 (yet your ID is a government issued document with a valid date and signature which you just provided to the airline for the successful ticket booking). I guess that8217s how 24option became the 8220largest8221 BO broker, by placing a false charge on its customer and conficating customers8217 invested sum which is real hard-earned legit credit Also seems 24option has hired a guy here (Andy Mueller) to defend its fame but I doubt how he will be able to reply to more and more victims scammed by 24option here, sooner or later8230 :-) I prefer hourly options to 60s but still it8217s better to look for a truly regulated broker (which 24option 8220claims8221 to be) that8217s not Cyprus-based (huge cash withdrawal problems for quite some time now8230). Good lord8230.I write my comments because I believe them, I ask my questions because I want the answers. I am not 8220hired8221 by anyone. There is so much BS out there that it makes me nuts. Over and over and over I read comments from people claiming SCAM that are obviously just them not READING an entire agreement or email. All the info you could ever want is in the Terms of the contract but how many people actually READ it. Few, then they complain about being treated poorly just maddening. I trade with 24Option so if someone calls them scammers, I want to know why is the claim valid Should I find another broker Should this broker be reported to a regulatory body If someone can actually support a SCAM claim with real evidence (not just vague comments), I WANT TO KNOW so I can get my money out of there. But that is very nearly never the case just meaningless comments and accusations. I say this in all sincerity, with no malice intended: some people just aren8217t bright enough to trade Forex or Binary Options and the sooner they realize this, the sooner they can move on to a venture that DOES suit them. You are making a whole lot of sense. People should learn to know which business suits them before taking a leap8230Also, I will advice traders quit their fantasy lands. 85 Return on Investment is good for an entire year but you see traders wanting to make that in just 60 seconds. The sixty second stuff is a bait designed for greedy option traders just as scalping is designed for greedy forex traders who are always eager to mop up the whole dollars into their account within few weeks. No greedy man can survive in the market. Gut. I think i can trust you. I8217been monitoring 24option so far the are positive comments from the clients. I have skipped many brokers mostly due to the withdrawal issue and it really upset me. I will follow you Dear Andy Mueller, Who knows you8217re not 8220hired8221 by 24option Any 8220real evidence (not just vague comments)8221 to prove you8217re not 8220hired8221 or affiliated to 24option (in the same sense you demand people scammed by 24option to provide real evidence (not just vague comments)) How appropriate do you think it is to provide actual credit card number here on this platform to prove one was indeed scammed My experience with 24option is they hate experienced traders who have through years developed a deep understanding of the market trend and consequently will win consistently. Maybe they can tolerate a good number of sporadic lucky winnings and will allow the related withdrawals but once they sense you8217re an old hand (consistently having no more than 2 losses out of 10 trades) then your account will be closed using whatever reason possible (In my case they accused me of using 8220fraudulent credit card8221 with which I was able to do some Amazon shopping just before they closed my account The closure was sudden and the decision was from 8220management-level82218230). I quite sympathize with the experience from what freeman says (February 26, 2013 at 3:31 pm) on page 9. However, if you8217re newbie who are still in the 8220excitement8221 stage, dreaming of the rosy financial success in front of you and eager to get rich fast and nevertheless can withstand to lose several hundred bucks, they would be more than glad to assign you a 8220warm-hearted8221 account manager to 8220help you get started8221. (My account manager is called Mark Taylor, who to this date still fails to respond to my inquiry as to what evidence they had to label my credit card 8220fraudulent8221). Hi Oscar, If someone questions any claim I make, I am more than happy to provide whatever facts and evidence they would like to substantiate those claims. The truth is, I very rarely CLAIM anything I ASK questions. If you choose to take offence to being asked to back up your claims, then you shouldn8217t post them. I take no such offence as I said, I am HAPPY to substantiate anything I say. So8230 1. Am I hired or affiliated with 24Option No. How do I prove that I8217m NOT something That8217s kind of hard, it8217s easier to prove that I AM something, but let me try anyway. I was trading iOption until poor customer service and record keeping made me leave them that adventure is chronicled on this site, have a look at iOption comments. Would a 24Option affiliate go through that No, makes no sense at all. Also, I8217ve posted comments and questions on various topics here, over the months, on this site, that the adminstrators can verify. Those comments and questions clearly show that I am affiliated with no one. Have a look about, and you8217ll see my name pop up all over the place, NEVER ONCE mentioning 24Option. 2. If 24Option routinely scam experienced people like you claim, how are they still in business How do they get one of the highest 8220Trusted Brokers8221 ratings on this and many other sites Why are there next to NO valid complaints on the net about this broker Why are there no other 8220experienced8221 traders saying the same thing The answers are obvious. 3.My background is in Forex and I am an experienced, successful trader. But that doesn8217t mean I am not open to new things, new methods, new trading methodolgies, etc. And that includes Binary Options. I am fairly new to BOs but NOT to dealing with brokers. I have had no issues with this broker and that is also reflected in the overwhelming number of positive comments right here in this thread, from people all around the world. What I do see, Oscar, in the few negative comments there are (including freeman8217s), is consistent: the writer obviously has not thoroughly read the Terms and Conditions andor their complaint doesn8217t tell the whole story and they choose to leave out some crucial detail. I8217ve asked you to substantiate your serious claims, but you can8217t, so I will file your comments as 8220Not Useful8221. You8217ve continued to not tell the whole story and frankly, I no longer care. I will carry on doing business with this broker, happily, and will stop posting arguements here as it seems to serve no purpose. My 24option account was closed suddenly on Mar 19, 2013 without prior notice, by a completely false charge of 8220using fraudulent credit card8221. Interestingly, I was planning of withdrawing for the first time either on 19th or 20th8230 I talked to the live agent of Anyoption and think they8217re pretty good. I haven8217t contacted Stockpair but possibly Stockpair is also good since there is almost zero negative feedback on them on this forum8230 :-) I have an account with 24option. They said me that, different by many other brokers, they make real orders in the real market with my money when I buy an option so, when I win they take an earning of 15-30, when I loose, they don8217 loose anything. This mean that the have not interest in making me loose. Do you think this is real I discovered binary just a week ago. I m in the exciting but hard task of starting and choosing a broker. I8217d have gone with traderush but now am considering 24option. Thanks BOTS. also, wanted to check authenticity. I will love to be apart of your compoany but ya8217ll don8217t really give me much to work with, And what i mean by thuat it show no number or address to the company. so if you would please sent me information where ya8217ll location I also belived for quite a while that 24option is a great broker. Till I made money. At the moment all my trades get inflated by 3 pips into the trading direction. This isn8217t illegal. But proofs that the complete binary option business is a scam. I am back to forex. Who else experience price inflation against you by 24options. I for one did and many other traders who had won money . Best broker for 60 sec trade, only one with 15 trading options after 8 pm GMT(other only 4) and only with 70 return on every option. Am really happy about this your work of consolidating traders who are lost in utter fear of investing in fraudulent brokers. Blessed. i tried many platforms (BDB, traderush etc) and 24options was much better than the other ones a little bit annoying that they ask to send documents right after the deposit but i understand that it is for my financial protection even though i have experience they paired me up with a market analyst that actually showed me like 8 strategies and showed me how to make money out of it withdrawal takes more or less like a week and they never caused meany trouble with the withdrawal. i have been withdrawing from them between 1000-2000 each month for the last 4 months I like to know how you make money with 24 option. I have account there and i can8217t seem to win at all what is your secret to wining I really like to hear back from you8230. i have done alittle bit of trading with 24options and my expience has always been good (90 of the time). i must amit i lost what i made and my deposit but after doinf some research i should start seeing of winnings, hopfuly. anyway i like them and they are very helpful, i wish i had done my research before losing but its not much anyway. I made money. And all my trades get inflated by 3 pips,5 pips and next day 10 pips. into the trading direction. I called them and they fixed it. But after one week all my trades get inflated by 5 pips again I am platinum member. Who else experience this Hi great to know that u r making all that money with 24option do u have a SPECIFIC strategy. how do u make it happen. if possible please share with me and help me please thanks I can only say I am impressed with 24Options. Although I am a small trader I still get weekly call from account manager and the regular e-training webinars are fantastic Signed up for a free account ages ago, was meant to deposit 50 to get that candlegraph trend thingy as promised, and was going to deposit the 200 in to start. Glad about the free demo account by the way.:)But time and life8217s hassles made me forget to deposit and am getting calls from 1 broker from a country code 35 everyday even though I told him it was the wrong time when he first called. And we agreed to do the deal 8211 I8217d deposit the money a month later and start8230 But he seems to ring EVERY night, so I don8217t answer it or miss his call8230Is he pushing too hardas he8217s desperate for a commission some how Makes me feel it8217s a scam and is putting me off of 24options8230As a newbiebeginner to it. What do you all think Dear Hama, I see you8217re coming from the US. How is it possible for you to deposit into 24option if they don8217t accept US clients for such long time now The fish stinks from the head. Plot twist: the broker called him many times but he didn8217t pick up the phone. All they want to ask is which country he is living in. 24option i think has the best flatform u just scroll and all is their in short trade the best so far..and u need suggestion i can help 2 I8217m looking at investing in Options and came across this site. I8217m a bit confused about receiving Bonus before withdrawal. In the example in that section, does that mean that if you invested 1000 and received a bonus of say 250, you need to wager the whole investmentbonus to 20 times (25000) or just the bonus amount to 20 times (5000) in order to withdraw. Thank you for your reply. 24 option platform is suck. You hardly get the price you see after you press the button. The platform also cheat to give you a losing price when the market is moving fast. Not good for short term and high volatiled time. Aime MATUNDA PERO Thanks for your review about 24option. I8217m from Democratic Republic of Congo and I have made my first deposit of 250 USD with them and I have an account Manager who is taking care of me step by step. I feel being in the right place and in the right time to start my financial trading binary option venture with 24option just from my residence country. Very reliable in terms of payments. I have withdrawn numerous times and each time my money has been sent very quickly. Your money is 1000secure This is my true story after been with 24option for the past 1.5years. In binary options, most of them lost money and very few will succeed. 24option is a good broker when you are losing, however they are even good too if you make money somewhere close to triple your over all investment. You will get your money back for sure. But the problem with them is when you keep on winning, they start playing games..I am getting spread of 2-3 pips on all my trades. Remember I am saying complaint not because Iam losing8230I am happy that I trippled my deposit and received the funds correctly to my bank account. However dont dream of making it big. because they stop you by raising the spreads. Remember I am just a standard account type holder..I have great strategy where I can win 90 of the trades. Now my account manager is saying that I need to upgrade to gold account type by depositing 5000USD and then I will not have spread issue. IS THIS HOW YOU TELL TO A CLIENT. BUT IAM SURE THAT EVEN WHEN YOU BECOME GOLD OR PLATINUM Account holder, you will get this spread issue. If once they noticed you that you will make it big even with small amount because of the strategies, they will catch you. beware of this. All the good reviews about 24option is genuine but I am warning only in case you try to make it big. they will cheat you. Syed..would you be willing to share your strategy. thanks Syed thanks a lot my regards to you I wanted to start trading i had chosen bdb to trade and by chance saw this page and read the revues of of traders was shocked to read the truth and then when i 24options and read your revue was a bit satisfied because syed will not give false information brother seriously i want to trade because all the bussiness in Kuwait have come to halt people dont pay thay take months to pay back brother is this broker safe to trade i want to start with basic amount and learn to trade kindly let me know . Spoke to one of there live chat employees this evening 1 month ago they admitted fault based on account freezing and price difference and refunded my 8500 however once finished speaking to compliance who sorted this out for me traded the 8500 got to 11,300 in 2 days and when I went to withdraw my funds was bombarded with calls stating I should leave the funds in as it would damage the managers stats they are very pesausive I did not want to do this was forced and with my mental state believed him (manager) when he said it will be OK well it was not spreads on my platform like wildfire platform freezing and lost the lot then came calls to deposit again and the rest is history they are now aware that I will be coming to there office on the 15092014 as I want all my funds back over the last month some 25,000 with all the goings on I have encountered with them I have booked a one way ticket and have informed them I will not be leaving the country until all my funds are returned to me or I am thrown in jail or the media gets a hold of me for my story. there is a saying where i come from in (white city) England82308230DON8217T BOTHER TROUBLE AND TROUBLE WILL NOT TROUBLE YOU If I believe am right8230. I will not quit. I would like to inform all the the above named company8217s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24optionRodeler As off the 11092014. The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made. The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party8217s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements. I and the company 24optionRodeler wish to settle this issue between ourselves. I can CONFIRM as of 11092014 my complaint against 24optionRodeler limited has been (RECTIFIED)I therefore withdraw all allegations I have placed here in regards to the company. Am sorry EVERYONE but cant say anything more than this. I would like to inform all the the above named company8217s that I wish to withdraw my claim and complaint filed against 24optionRodeler As off the 11092014. The company has communicated with me and provided its feedback to the claims and allegations i have made. The company and myself mutually accepted the fact it is in the best interest of both party8217s to avoid any conflict or dispute in relation to my claims and statements. I and the company 24optionRodeler wish to settle this issue between ourselves. So many individuals out there wanting to be a professional trader. Wanting the life style The freedom Looking for the right broker winning trades losing trades Dont give up on your dreams MenLady8217s Dont look to jump over 7ft bars, Look around for 1ft bars that you can step over. Need to stick to trade plan NEVER, Never, give up 8211 (PAIN IS TEMPORARY-IT MAY LAST A MINUTE-1 HOUR-1 DAY-EVEN 1 YEAR BUT EVENTUALLY IT WILL SUBSIDE - AND SOMETHING ELSE WILL TAKE ITS PLACE - IF YOU QUIT HOWEVER, IT WILL LAST FOREVER It is Important to remember that trading success is defined over a large series of trades, not over one or two. this means you should not give too much significance to any one trade, and the way to do this is by never risking more than you are comfortable with losing per trade. What I mean, is never risk an amount that will stress you out to the extent were you are constantly monitoring your trades. Remember to take small losses and and you will have losing trades, its part of doing business in Forex and Binary. WHERE IS THE MARKETS HEADING If one buys a stock and it goes up congratulations. you were very luck to join them And when you buy a stock and it immediately goes down - your wrong We cant beat them whoever the infamous they are, The market has no sympathy the market has no mercy, the market does not know who you are. And when your just lucky to be there on the right side DON8217T THINK YOU8217RE SMART YOU8217RE NOT. Your LUCKY. And been lucky and joining them can be a very rewarding career. when you can just admit the fact that you was lucky enough to join them on the up lucky enough to join them on the downs and when you are shot and the markets are going up Or when you are long and the markets going down 8211 YOUR WRONG. 8211 IT HAPPENS. Your human, Accept it move on, and tomorrows another day. I traded with 24options for quite a couple of months. I would say that their platform and prices are good. Their customer service is also good. Everything went well until they realised that I was making quite a lot of profit and had about tripled my account. Then the problems started. They started adding a HUGE spread to every trade I made, such that it became almost impossible to make profit on each trade. I sent screenshots and videos of the issue to their Support and my account manager. However, as expected, they claimed that everything was fine, and that price was simply moving quickly. After going back and forth without any success (in addition to losing a few trades), I decided to leave. So my advice is, you can trade with them. However, if you start to make a lot of profit, start to find alternative brokers Hello, I would like to ask, they will begin to profit too much for the industry to disrupt your investment amount invested That8217s when you earn much money, when they would be so i was having the same problem with 24 option that when time reched zero i was in the money then the calcute expire it was out of money becuse it was 7 10 second after zero to expire i was very angry i contact live chat he told me to contact the support and give them the trade number i do that and no response until now nothing also 8 out of 10 times they spread my trades i was put the trade at for exampel 1,24567 for put and after i take the treade magicly gose to 1.24575 WTF. a lot of times this happend but at first no i took a deposit of 250E and i make them 403 in one day after they see that i was winning they start put spreads and i lost all my money also they seem to say to you theese stories that they tol you that they make money when you make money thats not true actualy i know this from my uncel that he is investor on stock and he makes 100kE to 82kE per month with very long expiriance he dont trust forex or comidities only stocks beacuse stocks have news always for exampel sony tommorow will lunch ps4 thats a sure trade at 99.999 of win that sonys stock will go up tomorow beacuse its years on the system that they create anyway my accaount manager he told me every time i will call you tomorow and nothing he never call me only sometimes and he say that we have a sure trade only if you invest 500 E to that trade i didnt hear him anyway everything i lost i dont care they loose i was doing the casino stradegy called martingale and i was profitable before the spreads in 10 and 5 mins when they oversold or overbought and if the green pass the rsi line thats a 80 win that it go down i will search for a good broker if you know someone 100 legit please tell me my uncel say to me start with penny stocks i will help you but i dont want i read that a lot of peapol had turn 5000 to 2 millions in two years and 24 option do this when they see that you win scammers and i dont recomend them Hi aggelos, thanks for sharing your experience with 24Options, I was thinking about depositing but now I8217m scared about it8230for now I prefer to trade BTC and alt coins which is alike to penny stocks. Have you had any experience with another brokers I was thinking about Stockpair but are they really legit or do they manipulate the price action aswell it seems there are no brokers who are really modest Hi goncalo 8230 at this im not sure about binary options i think they are all scams first of all they only win when you lose and thats why they dont take a comission legit brokers always take a comission of 4 to 5 euro or dollar to close the trade thay have to keep the one per cent happy so 98 losing for the 1 to be good. im very young to say only 22 but a lot of expirianced peopol i know they say penny stock after a lot of reading i will try bitcoin to see also a penny its on my mind about a greek bank called eurobank they 0.25 cent euro their stock if hear some good new for greece i will go for that the strategy its not wait long when it goes at least 1.25 grab the money and go just make the and only in good conditions that for exampel if they say that the imf will go out of greece then its sure I am with 24 Options for 2 years. All is good until I start withdraw my profit. They always give me the withdraw amount, but after I make profit for a while, I have found my account has been putted spread on price when I trade. I found that I can8217t never get the price that the platform shows, they always added an extra 7 to 27 pips above or below. It means there is no way that you can win with your trading. So at the end, I have to close the account. Their manager email me and ring me to deposit and trade, but when I mention the spread on my account, they go quiet about it. There is no explanation. So if you start withdrawing profit, that is when the fund no longer going back to your credit card, instead of going to your nominated bank account, that is the time you need to watch the price you get on your account. If there is spread on your account, it means you will loose no matter how you trade. You can found a similar complaint on youtude. Someone actually record the whole trading process when it has been put on spread. I have seen it. Christine, you are right I have the same experience. I made many videos of their machinations. You can not make profit with them. Beware of this broker For example: youtu. beXJAxFDCmXF0 It is a great broker and I am happy to tried and be a happy customer, me and I a friend of mine are very happy with this broker I was ahead over 7000.00 in 2 weeks trading, then they started manipulating the entry prices. I have video proof and sent proof of the manipulation to my credit card company who investigated the trades and found in my favour and refunded my deposit of 10,000 USD. 24option is a greedy brokerage firm that make it next to impossible to verify your identity and withdraw your deposit. They have no principals, and or ethics. Do not deposit money with them until you are fully verified, or you may regret it. Thank you for this honest review. I have been trading on a 24option demo account and, in the long term, would like to switch to a life account. However, considering the kinds of reviews I am reading here, I no longer think this is a good idea. Have you been able to find a different broker that has not been manipulating your spreads Also, since I am quite new to BO-trading and eager to learn, would you be willing to discuss your strategy with me, i. e. give me a few pointers as to how you go about deciding on whether to make a trade or not (peterpan20151515yahoo) That would be brilliant Wishing you a great week, Peter Hello Peter, i been trading binary options about 2 years, i8217been trying some brokers unfortunately i loss some money con scams. I can tell you this site is secure, but on my experience stockpair is better, (faster withdrawals, support) and the best of all no delays or false entry prices etc, but since november 2014 they modify their policy wich it only accepts 8220in the money8221 or 8221 out of the money8221 there8217s no ties :( and they lower your profit but even with this i could tell you that I consistenstely take profits and no problems by now. Hope my review helps thank you. Every word about the pip spread is true when you click on a trade you see the current price like 1.7829 then when you open a high trade it goes lower it shows that you bought it at 1.7819 or somewhere in that region. Its happens with me everyday that i trade nearly all the time. Just to make it clear it goes against your bid if you go low it buys at a lower price making it harder to get lower than that price. and if you go high it does the opposite. im a newbie to all this binery options and live in Mexico. Of all the peeps commenting, how many of you started with 250.u. s. And can honestly say they have made some money I know it8217s not s get rich quick deal, but in reality. I need to know. 250 is not much from the states. but in Mexico I can pay my rent and feed my family for 2 weeks. But with a sick wife I need an extra income resource. please lete know Thank you Can anyone please teach me your trading strategies, I registered with 24options about a year ago by depositing 250, now am all flushed, I thought it was because I didn8217t practice using the demo, but even now am close to flushing it, I don8217t have any complains about 24options cause am just a very bad trader, am 20 and I would like to learn trading so that by the time am 25 I would at least make some extra cash and help my mom from it. I would really really appreciate some help, thanks Is this Broker have a program in automatic trading system which are used nowadays in making customers investing 2) I want to make an investment not a kind of gambling or game to win, Is this a provider Thank for the informative review, however if you had to choose between Optionfair and Option24 which broker will you give a higher rating, based on all the information you have gathered. Thank you Best regards too many good messages, i cant wait to be the nest success story. see at the top guys I just want to say THANK YOU BINARYOPTIONSTHATSUCK, you guys truly are amazing at making us readers and future traders feel at ease I have signed up with 24options. and love it fully Thanks alot again guys and GOd Bless Cheers You mention that these companies are registered by the UK FCA but is it more true to say that under EU law since Cyprus has registered them, the FCA has no choice but to register them. Also the activities that they are registered with the FCA for are NOT the activities the FCA can regulate ie Gambling. The activity that the UK consider binary options are instead of the trading of financial instruments. Hey, does anyone know if 24option is an on-exchange broker Meaning I8217m not trading against them when I place a trade on their website I wonder who reviewed 240ption 1. There is no Bonus for a deposit of 250 2. There is no Demo-Account ( maybe for VIPs only) 3. In first place no acceptance under a 1000 deposit. Just if you hesitate and tell them, that you think, that it is a lot of money for getting acquainted with a new broker for maybe a few days they let you start with the 250 deposit. 4. They work with fixed expiry times 5. Indices dont cover the whole day. (There are intervals of some hours) There are no short expires for indices. 6. Signals by a computer a pretty unreliable. Result for 4 days: 60 loss 8211 40 win 7. Newsletter divided in small and VIP-clients. Suggested trades are described a bit confusing for Newbies and even hard to follow for more experienced traders. 8. Account manager declares, she is working for 600 clients 8211 20 days a week 8211 lets say 8 hrs a day 8211 and of course most of her time for VIPs 8211 that leaves about a minute a month working for your interests8230 24option is a great broker the best i would say8230.before open an account read carefully all terms and conditions and especially the bonus terms and conditions8230they are 100 legit and honest8230i am absolutely satisfied with them8230 OK..I did read every word in that page. And Thanks to use a easy language so I can finally understand even if I am green to this8230I am definitely at ease. Will definitely be in8230at lease try to get my self a trip to Cancun. where are 2015 comments. is 24Options still the best to trade with, I want to start, I am new to trading pliz recommend the best broker for me Who is the best broker amp withdraw fast proof help me tx I have traded with 24option broker and twice requested my deposit back..quickly they refunded my money..honest broker Hi, Well let me first say I am not particularly clued up on trading. Yes the dream of striking it rich grabbed me, sure I am not alone. Well the proverbial cat may be out the bag on 24Option as a non legitimate broker. I have not opened an account with them, however if I were 24Option and I wanted to convince people of my authenticity, I surely would not piss of someone who posts information about BO scams. Then again as a competitor of 24Option I would love to create a false email address and post comments saying 24Option is a scam8230. Damn Conspiracies. Find yourself someone who has done some trading and knows the ropes. Let them help you Hello all, i8217ve written a review about 24option an the following lines are my verdict: After much scrutiny of 24options, it is safe to say that 24options is a reliable, trustworthy and safe binary broker. The range of features provided by 24options is unmatched and their customer support professionals are more than happy to always assist you with any hardship that you face. The bottom line is that all the traders must give 24option a try for a soothing and convenient trading experience. 24 Option are a very reliable and trustworthy binary option, have tried them and they stand head and shoulders above the rest I grew up in the car industry and have been in my car sales for more than 3 decades. I have no idea about forex trading but I have been searching for information and trading for about a year now. After several phone calls from my account manager (calls herself Irum), I deposited several thousands of Euros. As I have been almost promised that if I invest more I can get more education. To make the story short I deposited 15,000 Euro through out the year. I asked many questions about new strategies she tried to imply but she never gave me full answers for my questions. Any way, in my expierence this account manager was only leading me for great loses. Now I lost totally faith in her and really dont know if I should give my self another try. Does somebody know from where can I get real education. As I said before I need a beginers guide. Raymond, I had been a FX trader in a major bank. Your account manager most probably doesn8217t have the experience to educate you in FX trading. It takes years to understand and to trade profitably. When you trade FX you are actually making a call on the economic performance of one country versus another country. You need to know the fundamentals, as well as the technical (charting)not only for FX but for anything that you trade. You must also know what are the fundamentals that others are looking at and has it been discounted. For example with EURUSD recently the market was fundamentally looking at the stimulus package that European Bank President Mario Draghi was going to announce. When you have the fundamental reason for putting on a trade, you have to look at the chart for a entry level. The best way not to lose money is not to make bad trades, the ones that you do not have a strong conviction about it8217s direction. Do 24option have an autopilot playform for complete novices and is ita good platform to use Hey friend823024option is one of the best brokers out there8230but do never accept and use an autopilot system EVEN from a legit broker8230my advice from my experience 24option looks good, functions well 8230 but 8230. they have a 5 second computer gap in the trading and the charts. The question is this8211what do they do with that 5 second window8212which in computer terms is a very very long time. Simply put they put it to good use, the same as the Big Bankers do that control the data streams for financial instruments. When the computer spots a nice dollar value trade8211 sitting some-where it can swoop down and pick it up by manipulating the charts. I sat and watched this8211in 2014, last quarter8212- they do this mostly during high trending markets. It is quite common for Brokers to do this, some call it spiking, swooping would be a better description. On the Forex side of things the company 4X-DAT has quite a write-up on their customers experiences, and how 4X-DAT had to supply a solution because the Brokers were trading against their 4X-DAT trading robots. A lot of their trading is done without any stop losses at all at present8212 which opens them up to all sorts of opportunities to market manipulators. Which is what this post is about, as it happens in any Trading with a data stream. I would like to review what I have just gone through with one of your account manager by the name of Eric Smith. I was patiently listening to all stuff he had to say. When we were coming to the end of our conversation, I brought up a problem about a withdrawal problem using Skrill. He asked me if I wanted to close my account as well as I8217m looking to withdraw my Money. He said he would not want to work with me if I am looking to withdraw my Money as he will not be making a profit. What good is making Money if withdrawal is an issue. He was very rude. The problem with the Skrill verification has been dragging for weeks and it has not been resolved till now He just hung up the phone after saying another account manager will contact me How good is your number 1 rating with such bad service. I will be leaving my review everywhere so that people can judge for themselves. An account managers priority is to ensure that there are no problems with the clients account. Not to be focused on profit and brainwash your clients to put in more money. I have a brain of my own to decide when would be the best time to do that. Totally unsatisfied with the 24option system. Now I will most probably withdraw my money and never come back like I was planning to Finally some good reviews on a binary options broker8230 Please be noted that all information provided by Binary Options that Suck are based on our experience and do not mean to offend or accuse any broker with illegal matters. Die Worte Suck, Scam, etc. basieren auf der Tatsache, dass diese Artikel in einer satirischen und übertriebenen Form geschrieben und daher manchmal von der Realität getrennt sind. Alle Informationen sollten von den Lesern genau überarbeitet und von jeder Person privat beurteilt werden. 270 queries. 1.488 seconds. Bonus bis zu: 100

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